The Chancellor of Indosia says:
I HATE you but I LOVE you, I can't stop thinking of you.
petak, listopada 31, 2003
I can't see my ShoutOuts guys, I hope it's just cuz this is a school computer. So yeah, I'm done what we're supposed to be doing in Forensics and now I'm gonna update my blog cuz I won't have time to do it later anyway. I'm eagerly waiting for you French folks to come to the library but you're not coming!!!!! You eeeeeeeeeeeevil beings, are you watching volleyball or something instead?? I shall have to roast you ALL now. Only 25 minutes left! Then I get to walk home in the cold and snow (without Christie's earmuffs) and THEN I get to deliver my Friday flyers and THEN I get to do other stuff that needs to be done before swimming. And then I'll eagerly anticipate 17:30 so I can go to Lo's and eat PIZZA and cookies and those little cake thingys that Da's making and candy and mmmmmmmmmmmm.
K guys, you all know that yesterday's song is by Dido, so now just guess the RIGHT song and I will give you a supa-shiny penny! Soon I will set a date for my big competition...I don't know what the prize will be but maybe I'll buy you a chocolate bar or something. Oh, and soon you will all be getting ANOTHER e-mail requesting your Christmas wish list (everything between 1 cent and 20 dollars remeber) cuz I really need to get going on the buying Christmas presents thing. But you won't get it today cuz I can't do email here. See yas all lata! :D

četvrtak, listopada 30, 2003
Guess what? I'm making COOKIES (chocolate chip oatmeal)!!!!!! Half of them are baked and cooling...and looking extremely perfectly browned; the rest are in the midst of the baking process. I think it's too good to be true; the last, like, 5 times I've made cookies they've actually been fully cooked and yet not burnt! So, I'm bringing them for dessert tomorrow and we can test them to see if they're really as excellent as they look (hopefully I didn't forget the sugar or anything ;))! So I'm hopin' you ALL like oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies.
Well, it looks like I won't be wearing a costume tomorrow after all cuz there seems to be a slight lack of...costume. Ah well, I promise to wear my hat if Lo wears her snake (what's HE called again? And remember it's NOT the weekend yet), if Tas wears the fur hat and if Da wears her hot yellow hat...and I think someone should wear the fuzzy boots that we have in the basement. NOT me, but you know, if ya wanna wear 'em let me know! ;)
I get to go pumkin carving tonight!!!!!! Yeehaw! I'm so excited...I don't know why, usually pumkin carving is not nearly this exciting. Oh well, BRING ON THE JOY! :D
Well, it's high time for another lyric thinger, so here are some lovely 'unknown' lyrics for you. Btw, one of these days I'm actually gonna give a BIG prize, so hone your skills now while there's still time! Then we'll see who's REALLY the lyric master. ;) Oh right, and the lyrics are: "...if I didn't say it I still would have felt it, now what's the sense in that?" Enjoy! :D :D
This is just a lovely little picture I found of a house on Carlton Hill (Edinburgh), isn't it cool? I want it.
P.S. Lu, could I please have my (actually, they're really Christie's) earmuffs back? They were indeed mine because they were that tackiest thing we could find in the absence of lace. If we had had lace we would've wrapped your bag in it which I'm sure you would have loved VERY much more. Well, I mean, your bag was just conveniently right there within reach beside my desk...we couldn't just leave it there looking all forlorn and lonely. But yeh, I don't want to freeze my ears walking home again so I would appreciate some earmuffs. Thanks muchly. :D

srijeda, listopada 29, 2003
First off, gj Lou for telling me both the version of Heaven that I've been able to download, and the correct song for yesterday's lyrics. It was indeed Clocks by Coldplay, so the 'right feelings' are quite obviously...the right feelings. Haha, that was so hilarious. Jk guys. So now you can have a shiny penny cuz I have a few of them now instead of foreign money...unless you want foreign money, although it's not 'the best' foreign money. And everyone else who's won in the last week come get some shiny money from me too. :D
Second, everyone knows that we're to meet at Lo's at 5:30pm on Friday, yes? Well, if you didn't know before you do now. PIZZA is yummy, so don't be any more than fashionably late. ;)
Third, I can't believe I'm gonna be dressed up as the same 'thing' as someone else for Halloween, how evil is that? Oh well, perhaps we can be the gypsy gang or something...even though we have none of the same classes that day.
Well, that's all for today new lyrics cuz I must be off in a few minutes to fetch some costume ideas from Da's house. So, ta-ta for now and have a WONDERFUL evening! :D :D

utorak, listopada 28, 2003
Yesterday dad 'made' me drive the truck home from school (not like I was objecting to it). I mean, whoa, I've discovered that trucks are WAY more fun to drive than cars. So Da, you should tell your parents that you want a truck instead of car. ;) Then you will know the joy as well!
Today I have 10 flyers to sort through! What, that's it. And now I have to deliver to 50 houses instead of 49. Pretty much every time I have to deliver flyers an extra house is added; I started with 46! It's insanity I tell you.
Well, it's finally snowed. I'm very dissapointed, it should never snow until Halloween. Although I must say it made for an absolutely LOVELY walk home. Except the back of my pants are dirty now cuz of wet shoes moving on wet ground and spraying clean pants that now have water spots half way up the back. Oh well, that's what the washing machine is for...or perhaps the tumble dryer? ;)
K, Lo got the last song apparently (cuz I didn't even know what it was called in teh first place...or who it was by), so that implies that I need to find some more lyrics. Ok, here goes: " I a part of the cure or am I part of the disease?". Some more easy-ness for all y'all. Have fun! :D

ponedjeljak, listopada 27, 2003
Well, today was a relatively fantastical day. Besides the fact that I thought I'd be able to stay awake all day because I got almost 9 hours of sleep last night, yet I still fell asleep during the most interesting part of the day; the Forensics movie on bombing! I think it's a reflex to darkness cuz as soon as the lights are out I'm totally gone. I even had like 5 dreams, and I was only asleep for about 25 minutes! Crazy.
I've made a new rule in the lyrics thing that doesn't really apply to you, but anyway, if no one guesses the song correctly by two days after the lyrics were posted I'm gonna tell you which song it is (unless I have no desire to do so). Today is not one of those days, so the last lyrics were from "One Last Breath" by Creed. I'm very dissapointed in you guys, you totally should have gotten that. Unless of course I wrote the lyrics wrong, that could screw some people up ever so slightly. So, here are some lyrics that will be really easy to anyone who knows this song, but I just want to find out what the song is called and who it's by cuz I like it, so... "...maybe you're all that I want...when you're lying here in my arms...finding it hard to believe we're in heaven..." or something like that, I don't know the words exactly but that's basically it methinks.
Lo, please explain to me what the drinking game is. Oh, and our Gel lab is first period on Wednesday, not tomorrow. Which means I have to get up EARLY on a day when I could usually sleep till 8:40am. EEEEEVIL!!!!!
Filo just totally freaked me out; he flew downstairs all by himself and landed on my shoulder...he's never done that before. Hopefully it was a one time thing cuz Filo's not allowed down here (that way only the upstairs is destroyed, the downstairs is still relatively un-Filo affected).
Well, have a good day all! :D

nedjelja, listopada 26, 2003
Found a cool pic, 'tis tres beautious (although my attempt at resizing may kill it a bit cuz I didn't know the original proportions). Have a look:
The mist...the green...the trees...the sunrise... :: sigh :: ...the mist is what makes this pic gorgeous though. I wish my backyard looked like that, what joy it would bring me. When times are rough I can just go wander around in the forest, in the field...just wander. I wish I lived in the country, the day I can live somewhere that gorgeous and peaceful is the day I'll be ready for anything; essentially the day pigs fly or the day time stands know, all those wonderful impossibilties that really aren't all that impossible.

Today's been a pretty good day. Good stuff. :D Ooooh, and I found a good, slighlty depressing quote but meh, I like it: " Don't waste your time on someone who won't waste their time on you."
by Skillet
from his 2003 album, Collide
You're worth so much
It'll never be enough to see what you have to give
How beautiful you are
Yet seem so far from everything you're wanting to be
Wanting to be
Tears falling down again
Tears falling down
You fall on your knees
You beg, you plead
Can I be somebody else for all the times I hate myself?
Your failures devour your heart in every hour
You're drowning in your imperfection
You mean so much
That heaven would touch the face of humankind for you
How special you are
Revel in your day
You're fearfully and wonderfully made
Tears falling down again
Come let the healing begin
You fall on your knees
You beg, you plead
Can I be somebody else for all the times I hate myself?
Your failures devour your heart in every hour
You're drowning in your imperfection
Your worth so much
So easily crushed
Wanna be like everyone else
No one escapes
Every breath we take dealing with our own skeletons
Won't you believe it
Won't you believe it
All the things I see in you
You're not the only one
You're not the only one drowing in imperfection.

subota, listopada 25, 2003
Today is the gloomiest day I have come across in a very long time. And I'm not speaking of outside cuz gloomy outside brings me joy, it adds so much character to the outdoors. It's just one of those days when, even if it's sunny and warm outside, you can feel like you're sitting outside in the rain, 'staring up at a dark grey sky', soaked to the skin and wondering what the point of sitting their thinking gloomy thoughts is. Even if you're staring at the sun outside while you feel this way. Everything seems more artificial. Like those school days when I feel gloomy, the lights inside just seem so unnatural, perhaps like driving a car across the ocean. (Hmmm, that'd be a sight and a half...maybe even more.) Except driving a car across the ocean would be a lot more amusing, cuz having to be enveloped in those lights all day makes me feel like I'm in prison or something. Actually, it reminds me of 1984 by George Orwell, I don't know why, it just has the same feelings attached to it. I felt so horrible today that doing my worksheet on Russia (mostly about Lenin and Stalin) actually brightened my mood slighlty. Cripes, just the fact that I started a worksheet when there's no due-date in sight proves how incredibley wrong this day is. And I cleaned my room with no prompting from my parents. Alas, it's days like these that I wish it was foggy outside...I love fog, GIVE ME SOME FOG! Don't ask how fog helps, but it seems appropriate.
I tried on my 'gypsy' costume btw, I look more like I'm trying to look like a 'cool' person than a gypsy. Perhaps the giant beaded necklaces will help. And I found a perfectly good pirate bandana for Lo, it's plain black. I'm thinking maybe I need some ribbons with braids in my hair to add to the gypsy-ness of it all...wot you think? Je pense que oui.
Oh, and since Lo and Lou both guessed the last song correctly I'm going to put up another one because I have nothing else to do with my time but waste it on the computer, writing stuff in my blog that people read even though I'm sure they don't really care what I have to say. I guess maybe blogs are pointless too, at least for people who aren't constantly happy. Cuz the only thing people respond to is the stuff that has no real purpose (which is usually when I'm happy or relatively so), the stuff that I actually feel or wish people could be serious for a second and respond to seems to go unnoticed. (You really CAN be serious people, I like to hear other people's opinions and what they think. Just because I'm too moronically shy to actually state my opinions when we're asked for them doesn't mean I don't have any. I really enjoy classes at school where we get to hear people's opinions and I always wish I could add things or say my opinion...but I'm too much of a coward because the fear of rejection or scorn always gets in my way. So please, if you have something to say just SAY IT. Of course, I've said all this before and it never has any effect on you, perhaps you don't have any opinions pertaining to the things I say.) ANYWAY, on with those lyrics you're all eagerly waiting for "...I'm looking down now that it's over, reflecting on all of my mistakes...". As you may have noticed, I'm keeping them relatively easy now cuz I don't like having to remember what song the lyrics are from, it's much more fun to have people saying stuff. People talking is good...very good. :: sigh :: See you, have a good day, keep the gloom to a minimum.
P.S. Don't forget that Daylight Savings Time ends tomorrow at approximately 2am tomorrow! appears we may finally be getting "up wit' the times"; dad and I went to look at DVD players yesterday to check prices cuz he might be buying one. Yeehaw! I KNEW there was something up when he bought that DVD.
I have to test out my gypsy constume...which isn't really a costume but we'll see how horrible a gypsy I make. I am VERY dissapointed in you guys, no one guessed the last song. Well, you probably didn't know it so it was a song by The All-American Rejects, I don't remember what the song was called cuz it was the first time I'd heard it. Now here's another song which I think is pretty easy, here we are: "...never made it as a wise man, I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing...". Easy enough? Good, happy guessing. :)

petak, listopada 24, 2003
I can't believe I'm awake, I barely even got 8 hours of sleep. Something is definately wrong here, I should be sleeping another several hours. Actually, lately I can only sleep till 10, but today I only slept till 9. How dastardly it all is. Oh well, I guess if I get up earlier I have more time to do stuff...and to think. Considering that I have come to the conclusion that thinking does indeed lead to depression (most of the time), that's not a good thing. But once again, I can handle it. Hmmmm, bottling it all that a good thing? No, I don't think so. Perhaps one of these days I won't have anything to bottle in and then it'll all be good again, wouldn't that be LOVELY? Yes, yes it would. Well folks, I shall see you sometime, have a joyous day! :D know what's a good song? Stupid Girl by Cold, it's really quite lovely-the music anyway, all I've really gathered from the lyrics so far is 'she's going away...stupid girl, stupid girl, stupid girl'. But yeah, once again the sound is quite enjoyable, actually there's the one part where they say 'she's going away', it gives me shivers...maybe the slight harmony or something but mmmmmmmmm! :D

četvrtak, listopada 23, 2003
Well my friends, the weekend has finally arrived and that brings me JOY! Almost as much joy as could possibly be had by me. Which is not a substantial amount unless I'm with my friends (but I'm workin' on it!), but at least I'll be able to sleep at night instead of when the teacher's talking. Or when we're watching interesting movies in Forensics that could totally make my day if I actually had the energy to stay awake to watch them.
Hmmm, you know...Limp Bizkit sounds kindof like MNW (I bet no one knows who they are, but meh) well, in this song anyway. Behind Blue Eyes-good song!
So guys, are we doing stuff tomorrow with the hair and stuff or was that just kindof a spur of the moment thing that you weren't being serious about? I can never tell, it's so horrible.
Now I'm eagerly awaiting my Capernwray stuff but none seems to be coming. I hope I don't have to wait for all the sane people (that don't apply over a year ahead of time) to get their applications in. That would be horrible, I don't have the patience for that. You know, I really need to work on this patience thing.
Whoooa, you guys, the singer dude from 'The All-American Rejects' is really quite...lovely. He really reminds me of Tom Welling (except the 'reject' has better eyes, actually he's just altogether better), the guy from Smallville-is that who you guys were talking about that time you said this other guy looked like Tom Welling or is that someone else again? I can't keep track of all your constant guy-talk, sorry. It just doesn't appeal to me-most of the time. ;)
Anyway, ya'll have an awesome day, see ya soon, luv yas! :D
P.S. 'Keep' (it appears you haven't even started) guessing for yesterdays song! :D

srijeda, listopada 22, 2003
Well, today is Wednesday which means tomorrow is Thursday which means tomorrow is the last day od school this week. What joy! K, the craziest thing happened today. Like, two or three years ago I babysat for these people down the road, their kids' names are Danielle, Anthony and Julia and I hadn't seen them for AGES, I didn't even know if they lived there anymore. So then today I was walking home from school right at the time that the elementary kids get out of school and there was this little girl walking ahead of me and I was thinking "I wonder if that's Julia", which was wierd cuz I haven't seen them for like a year and a half, but then I thought it couldn't be her cuz she used to have extremely blonde hair so I dismissed it. But then I was walking up to the crosswalk and this little boy was staring at me and wouldn't go with his mom across the road, so I grinned enormously at him and he was like "STEPHANIE"!!!!!! And I was like...whoa, now I know who you are and why you're staring at me! The little girl WAS Julia and so then Anthony (the little boy) was like...why haven't you babysat us in so long, you were the best babysitter ever, I missed you, I even CRIED cuz I wanted you to babysit so bad!!!" And I was like, whoa, I didn't know I was that much fun. So it was great and totally made my day cuz now I know that kids actually like me, and it was so wierd cuz I was totally thinking about that being Julia and then it WAS. Insanity I tell you. New song now! Here we is: "...can you hear me smiling when I sing this song for you and only you?" Happy guessing! :D

utorak, listopada 21, 2003
I think I just ate an apple from our tree in the backyard, they're cooking apples. Which means they're extremely sour. Ah well, I think I'll survive. Guess what? I hate English, it's right up there on the worst subjects list with Math (the only difference being I can actually do most of the stuff required in English). I mean, who really cares which character said what in a Shakespeare play? It's not like I'm gonna be some non-english play analyzer, it's useless I tell you. Can you tell I did horrible on the re-write today? Well, yeh, I did. I'm gonna be stupid today and not seperate things properly into paragraphs, k? Not like you can really change it if I do. So, 7 flyers today, not bad at all. Head on down to Sofa Land for all your sofa needs!-said in a low, announcer-like voice. Well, I think it's time for a new lyrics thinger. The last one was (I think) 'So Close' by Evanescence, but I don't feel like going back to check so if it's not then too bad. So, here are some more lovely lyrics for you (I think today's is gonna be pretty easy again): "...please don't hate me, but there's nothing you can say..." Enjoy! :D You guys, I just discovered the saddest thing ever...can't believe I'm admitting this...Eminem has some good sound going on. I don't usually like rap, but his sound is good. His lyrics are not so lovely, but the sound is appealing. I feel like a FREAK. Well, I guess I really am a rounded individual in my musical tastes. :S

ponedjeljak, listopada 20, 2003
I really...don't know what to say. Besides the fact that I think my ecstatic happiness has finally worn off. Now I'm once again subject to the gloom of daily life. And I don't think it's just due to my 'morning sickness' of yesterday and today. It's more a mental gloom going on here. One good thing though, it's misting outside. Fully-fledged rain would be more acceptable, but at least it's wet. :) I think calculus is the most idiotic subject on the face of the earth. Who cares about what rate the area of the supid little triangle is changing! Grrrr...maybe if I actually understood it all! Instead, I understand only the simplest stuff...I'm so gonna fail the next unit exam.
I need some money, mom's birthday is in 4 days and I have no money for her present. I'm so poor...I wish some rich person would give me some of their billions that they're never gonna use (hoarding misers, the lot of 'em) so I can buy all my Christmas presents, birthday presents, plane tickets and schooling without having to worry. But, I suppose that's life. :: sigh :: Life is so pointlessly crappy sometimes. At times like these I need some non-happy music...or at least some gorgeously beautiful music that adds character to my gloom (I need a new word here guys). Ah well, I'm used to not getting what I want/need so I'm pretty sure I'll get over it all eventually.

nedjelja, listopada 19, 2003
Ok, I found this in an article (on a Harry Potter site believe it or not). It's quite profound, very revelating and such. So, here it is (I'm really not THAT much of a sap, but sometimes things just stand out and I gotta post 'em.):
"...Love isn't all roses, kisses and walking on pink clouds (unfortunately). I usually describe love as handing someone your heart on a plate with a huge, sharp knife lying beside it. To love someone is to risk being extremely hurt. It's like jumping from a plane, not knowing if you're wearing a parachute or a normal backpack. To be loved makes you feel like the luckiest and happiest person on the planet. To lose love will make you feel the exact opposite. Parents say that the most powerful feeling is the love for their child. Then imagine the feeling of watching that child die... It would probably be more terrible than death itself." -Maline Freden
Yeah, so I thought that was pretty...true. I guess that's why some people hide; they fear the hurt that COULD come about. Although I think the joy can far outstrip the pain, but again that's just me. Cuz you can get over pain (if someone decides to take the sharp knife and jab it into your heart, obviously they shouldn't have had your heart in the first place so theoretically you should ALWAYS be able to get over that pain-unless we go by biology; in that case the pain would kill you cuz hearts...blood is good-but we're not talking physical heart here guys), but the joy is just...always there; the underlying feeling in everything. So that even when you're in 'the depths if despair' so-to-speak, you've still got something to look foreward to, or something to neutralize the despair at least a little bit. Meh, I'll stop philosophising now and once again leave it to those who can actually do it properly.

subota, listopada 18, 2003
I'm not actually feeling this way, but I can SO relate to this ('this' being the lyrics I'm going to spout in the near future). Evanescence is so very efficient in having REAL lyrics. That actually mean something. It's great, I don't usually care what the lyrics are as long as the musicality is good. But Evanescence has both and it's wonderful. Especially when you're depressed and you can find something to relate to. "These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real. There's just too much that time cannot erase. When you'd cry I'd wipe away all your tears. When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears." You know, sadness is kindof a nice feeling sometimes. (You can tell me I'm screwed up for thinking this way, but at least I'm thinking for myself for once, it's really quite nice when no one has influence over your thoughts and you can realize that the things you're thinking are actually your OWN and not just something brought about by what other people think you should think.) It just feels really peaceful on occasion...I say sadness NOT depression. Depression just plain sucks. But sadness...this is gonna sound depressing, crazy, or something...but it really makes me feel peaceful (one of those times when dying would be lovely, not because you want to escape the ickyness of everything but because everything is just so perfect, why wait for it to get bad again? It'd be such an opportune time to die when you're peaceful, you just get this feeling-ahhh, it's so great). I think it's because when you're sad you can actually feel all your feelings (duh), you can feel the crushing of something inside you and no matter how horrid that sounds, being able to feel it all makes life worth living (which really contradicts my previous thought, but sorry this is the way my screwed brain works). Maybe because it brings about hope-another wonderful feeling-or maybe because it just feels so right. I dunno, maybe I just need sleep but I always feel so...elevated when I'm sad (you guys are probably thinking that I need some serious therapy right now, but meh, I don't). If it's possible, I feel sad and happy at the same time. Maybe I should find some other words (than sad and happy) to describe it, maybe I should analyze how happy and sad can happen at the same time. But then again maybe I shouldn't because when I start writing out my 'deep' thoughts I just sound like an idiot (not to mention people start thinking I should be put in a mental institution or something), I should leave it to the experts. But the experts never talk about what I think, so I guess I'll just keep rambling into space (where is the internet anyway?) perhaps solving things or having revelations along the way. More likely I won't, but maybe you will. If you read this far, but obviously if you're reading that you did. So thanks, you're so special. Love you. (((hugs)))

Another cool pic I found at the deviantart site, it's of Eowyn and Sauron or something during the battle of the Pelennor fields (it explains this underneath the picture). Thought it was tres excellent so hav fun!

I have to become an EMR, then an EMT and then FINALLY I can become a paramedic. But first of all I have to get my Standard First Aid cuz it's a pre-requesite and I only have my Emergency First Aid. And I need my C-CPR, but we did all that in my First Aid course, so good stuff. Only 20 people get in per year though, out of 80 that apply. That could prove mighty difficult. :S Ah well, have a good day everyone! :D

petak, listopada 17, 2003
K guys, being an IB nerd, I'm going to give out foreign money for lyric guesses of correctness. (You get to choose from the doubles, triples etc. that I have! From cien (100?) pesetas, 5 ptas, 2 pesos, 25 ptas-the ones with the hole in the middle, 10 kopeeks, 10 guaranies, 50 guaranies, 5 guaranies or 100 guaranies-that's a bil btw, sorry it's not in numerical order or anything) So that means that so far Lo, Lou and Tas get a foreign money, but you guys have to tell me which one you want! Anyone else that has guessed a song correctly must inform me of my inefficient memory so I can give them foreign money too. When I actually get some shiny pennies we can convert to them for prizes unless you wish to continue with the useless foreign money. So yeah, enjoy! ;) :D Lyrics for you to guess the song of: "... I just might lay myself down for a little more than I had the last day..." Happy guessing! :D
I thought this was slightly amusing...I hope it doesn't mean something...sick. :S Anyway, this is my primary flavour:
![]() I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You? |
And this is my secondary flavour. :D
![]() I am one of the most popular flavours in the world. Subtle and smooth, I go reasonably with anyone, and rarely do anything to offend. I can be expected to be blending in in society. What Flavour Are You? |

Wow guys, I made a new record only took me 45 minutes to deliver my flyers! Ooooh yeh, gud stuff! (Especially since it's supposed to take me an hour, they definately do NOT know of my vigorous walking ;)) Except a bunch of people were in their yards and I didn't know if I should put their flyers in the mailbox or give them to the people, so I put them in the mailbox unless the people said they would take them. Except for this one dude that I asked cuz I was feeling outrageously outgoing (no, that's actually not considered outgoing for me, that's considered normal). So, today is FRIDAY!!!!! And I think we should go see POTC, cuz I want to see it again cuz it's so awesome. And I haven't gone to see a move in absolute EONS, so yeah, we should do that. And I mean, I've got a 5 dollar movie cash thinger, what beats that??? Hey, I wonder if we still have that free adult movie pass coupon for Cineplex Odeon. Hmmm, cereal box free stuff is so great! :D
No more lyrics today, still waiting for someone to get yesterday's (there WAS a new one yesterday, so if you haven't seen it yet check it out and make guesses! Even if they're wild ones!!!!! Wild is oh-so excellent. :D) Anyway, see yas all sometime and have an absolutely joyous weekend cuz YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!! (((hugs)))

četvrtak, listopada 16, 2003
I SO think I figured out the picture thing! (At least how to link to it, not how to actually put it on my blog though! :S)
:D So, here's a picture of a dragon and a picture of a random cool thing.

K, well since that was WAY too easy for y'all (Lo got it), I'll do another lyricy thingy. Here we goes (this is seriously the hardest one I can find :S): "...if temptation ever came my way, I know the words I'd always say..." If I ever become an alcoholic it's because of the "Sour Puss: Sour Rasberry Liqour (15% alcohol ;)) in the fridge. Just thought I'd add that tidbit of information for ya. :D

Man, the flyer peoples sure now how to confuse me. "Let's tell her she's supposed to deliver this one flyer to ALL the houses and then not even give her the flyer. And then let's do some random highlighting and crossing out to make it even better." I think I understand now, but if I screw up it's totally NOT MY FAULT!!!!! So, I'm noticing a lack of guessing for my previous lyrics thing-a-ma-jigger, therefore I'm just going to tell you what the song is because I have no patience for this waiting thing. The song was 'Paint it Black'-the U2 rendition. So next song now: "...I wanna know if you're busy, I wanna know if you're doing anything tonight..." Sorry guys, it's really easy but it's all I could think up right now. :S So, today it was extremely windy on the way to school, seriously as soon as I stepped into the school I felt like I was leaning. And I was like 2 minutes late, I only got to school at 9:57am instead of 9:55am, it was so disturbing, the wind slowed me down by two whole minutes! Stupid wind. And it totally messed my hair, but that's what the time between getting to school and break is for (fixing my hair and trying to mush it into something that doesn't make me look like I've just been electrocuted). Maybe for halloween I'll leave my hair bushed and I can pretend that I DID get electrocuted. Hmmm, what a novel idea! Well, have a good rest of the day all y'all, love ya lots! :D
P.S. Da, I had an absolutely smashing conversation with you via your cell phone after school today. I learned ever so much, I think I even heard your water bottle or something sloshy add in a word or two every once in a while. And you know what else was great??? It wouldn't let me hang up!!!! I pressed the hang-up button (does it have a real name?) a gagillion times for like a minute each time and then I listened and your phone was still on! So then I decided to blast some music into the phone and see if you heard it, I dunno if you did but you hung up pretty quick so hopefully your batteries aren't dead now or something. So yeah, that was a nice 8 minute conversation, crowds of people and conversations that you can't understand sound so funny over the phone!

srijeda, listopada 15, 2003
Well, I now know how to add pictures to my blog if I had written the whole template myself! Unfortunately, I didn't and I haven't quite figured out how to do it for ready-made (although greatly modified) templates that I don't have saved on my computer. Which I COULD do, but then I'd have to upload it or whatever you call it to the web and then this blog would be dead and ARG, annoyingness. So yeah, I'll figure it out one of these days when I can ask some html genius for help. Until then I'm gonna have no pictures. Alas, how sad. :(

So, my hair is dyed and layered now. They didn't have blue so I had to go with a rather dark burgundy. It's really nice though. The layering is really nice too, but whether I can keep up the style or not is questionable. But meh meh. I think the hair-dresser hated me cuz she wasn't supposed to cut my hair but the girl who was couldn't come in today so the one who did cut my hair only got payed apprentice prices (half-price) cuz the girl I made an appointment with is an apprentice. So yeh, that was my day. And then I walked home listening to the joyous Spanish guitar solitudes music. It was so joyous even though it took me like 40 minutes when theoretically it should have taken me 50 minutes. I guess that's what comes from walking vigorously! ;)

utorak, listopada 14, 2003
Capernwray recieved my deposit, what joy!!!!!! Hey, you know what are really good? Cocktail buns from Stupidstore, they're all sweet and coconutty (that reminds me me, I should get back to sniffing my lip butter) and GOOD. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! And you know what else are good? Half cooked buns (also from Stupidstore) with ice cream. Ahhh, I love the choices I have for lunch when I'm at home. And tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut and dyed at the place but mom's not gonna be there to influence the colour I dye my hair, so I'm thinking someone should come and help me pick an absolutely smashing one. Cuz these decisions are so very hard to make myself. I keep threatening Deepest Blue and technically she hasnt said 'no' yet, so really I could do that if they have it. But yeah, that's the story. And all you all-knowing music people out there haven't answered my last lyrics 'question' so no new one today (bummer, hey?-sarcasm) until you do. Oh, and since that song is apparently sung by a gagillion different groups/people I will give you a hint...they're not Canadian and they have a number in their name. Well, I really should be off to study now...and put together my flyers. I wonder which will get done first...
P.S. SOME people need to clean out their inbox. :S If you didn't get the email entitled "what does woot mean, etc." then that means you. Oh, and the email's about halloween and the surrounding days and tentative plans, so email me about what days you're busy and not busy etc. PLease. :D

ponedjeljak, listopada 13, 2003
K you guys, (I seem to have started my last three posts with k, I gotta keep up the tradition although it's really bugging me) how long ago did we do that pizza making gig? Cuz there's still leftover tuna and pineapple in the fridge (there would be corn too, but I ate it for lunch the next day). Sick man. I hope no one eats that, but I'm not going to tell them how long its been in there. Muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Yeah, so I just had this gynormous feeling of excitement take over cuz I get to be in England at this time next year. Whoa, THIS IS SO THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!! I need to get my passport for some more joy, but mom says I can't get it 'til January or something. How very evil, what if I want to get a visa for extra security??? It might not give me enough time if I only get my passport in January. Oh well, I don't even need a visa. And if I still want extra security I really only need to get an entry clearance thinger instead of a fully-fledged visa. (In case the immigration official at the airport decides I'm not suitable to be in England, then I get to stay in England until my trial instead of getting' deported' immediately.) Oh well, I get to go to England in both cases, so it's all good. And I checked it all out, I can get 'cheap' plane tickets to the Gatwick Airport if I have a stop over in Minneapolis (that's a city right? I just had a total brain blockage and I can't remember), -it's only a 14 and a half hour trip-which will prevent me from experiencing the horror of Heathrow. Except Capernwray doesn't send a bus for us from Gatwick. Oh wait, I think the Capernwray bus just leaves from London somewhere, not necessarily Heathrow (although that would make sense), but even so I think I'd rather take a taxi from Gatwick to Heathrow than actaully have real life experience with the whole insanely bad Heathrow airport thing. What'cha think? Good plan? We'll see what mom and dad say. And what Capernwray says in their next letter to me.

K guys, here's the slide-show I made of the pics frum Lo's Party (and other stuff that I scanned yesterday), it might be kindof slow (loading) and I know this one is crap compared to the one I made last time, but it was the best I could do at this time in the morning. Whoa, that was some pretty good run-on sentence there. Anyway, here we is! I don't even know if this'll work cuz I really have no idea how to make power-points into HTML format, but let's see if this works cuz I really did try. Oh, and to get the actual slide-show instead of just the 'menu', click on the little pic of a pull-down screen in the bottom right corner of the page you linked to and then click with the mouse to get the slide show going (and keep clicking to keep it going). K, it didn't work here (as a link in this post) so it's under links now. Oh, and if you have a problem with these pics being on the internet just tell me and I'll remove them, but I really don't think it should be a problem. Just don't tell anyone else (that is if the problem comes from a fear of embarrassment if anyone sees these, although I don't know why, I'm sure everyone has odd pictures of themselves and I'm sure 'anyone' would never even see them cuz they don't read my blog) they're here and they'll never know. But yeh, if you really do have a problem with it just lemme know and they (the pics and hopefully your problems as well ;)) will be GONE as soon as possible. :D

nedjelja, listopada 12, 2003
First of all Lo, what's with the spontaneous "YOU GUYS ROCK"? Second, I'm picking up the pics in half-an-hour and I hope they're GOOD (I'm bringing them to school Tuesday, so be prepared for some hilarity!)!!!!!! Third, yesterday was SPECTACULAR (except I'm extremely tired today, but meh, I get to sleep in tomorrow AND the day after, so it's all good). And I want a rainbow snake now. And I think Chantelle got my name for Christmas and she (and everyone else in my family) knows that I'm in love with Scotland, so maybe my present will resemble something Scottish. Wouldn't that be totally OOOOOORSOME????? Oh yes, yes it would. AND I was lead teacher today and no one had horrible complaints (I think I did horribly on the story) and the kids liked me and there was this one little boy and his mom assured me that he'd cry his head off when she left. So, when she left he was all looking like he was gonna cry and then I distracted him with my wonderful personality (haHA, that's a laugh), and he didn't cry AT ALL, and then I had to leave and he looked like he was gonna cry again. It was so cutely sad, but I'm sure he was ok. And I'm supa joyous again, it's so wonderful. Like, 2 days of joy in a row and it's not waning yet. YAY!!!!!!!! Ok, now song lyrics time again (GJ Lou for getting the last one-Shackles by Mary Mary), so here it is: "...through the storm we reach the shore, you give it all but I want more and I'm waiting for you..."

subota, listopada 11, 2003
K, happiest EVER today!!!!!! Everything is all like...EXCELLENT!!!! Cuz it's totally done, done done done!!!!!! Yeehawwwwwwwwwww!! Anyway, I'm slightly joyous, k not just slightly, I'm SUPA joyous! :D K, new lyrics competition...except I dunno if there are any MORE taxing songs. Hmmmm, let's see. Ok, here we go: " much pressure fell on me I thought I was gonna lose my mind, but I know you wanna see if I will hold on through these trials..."

petak, listopada 10, 2003
First of all, I must say that flyers are HEAVY! Especially when you carry them all with just your right (or left) arm. I can no longer support my arm all the way up, and the highest that it goes it shakes like crazy. I was watching it shake for like two minutes while I held this piece of paper and I was laughing my head off. Quite sad really, but hey, it's hard to make me happy these days and if something idiotic like that can do it then I'm all for it. And now I'm going to go off on a philosophical/theological spiel, I know it's gonna sound corny or dippy (hahahahahahaha!), etc. But I'm going to say it anyway. Please comment, I'd love to hear some feedback on this one. :) It's long, but I really do wonder about it.
K, well, I'd really like to know where feelings come from. Obviously, science is limited in this department, because although the brain interprets things so that we know what we SHOULD feel, it doesn't make us feel that way. It's not like it sends out hormones to make us feel a certain way, and even if it did there's nothing to send it to. It's not like there's an organ that contains all possible feelings and each one needs it's own hormone to set it off. I mean, really feelings come from NOWHERE, they just radiate and overwhelm you. So obviously there's something supernatural going on (yes, I believe in God, but I don't believe feelings come directly from God, cuz that would defeat the purpose of free choice that He's given us, if he just said "oh, well I'm gonna make you feel this way now" it'd all be kinda pointless don't'cha think?-yes, He's given us the FREEDOM OF CHOICE). It's more like what some people would call a soul I guess, it isn't a physical thing which is VERY hard to grasp because it's not really there, but it IS. This leads me to believe there's another dimension that hasn't yet been discovered except by intercessors who can see the supernatural goings on in the world behind the physical world that we see (yes, there are people who see the supernatural-can that be called metaphysical or no-instead of the physical. I know some myself, one guy almost died because of the things he could see going on-he wasn't breathing at one point, as soon as he prayed to be healed he was completely better). Anyway, back to the's a very odd thing, because you can actually FEEL them (thus they're called feelings ;)), they hurt (if it's a negative feeling)....physically, but how can they physically hurt if they're not physical themselves???? Technically they DON'T exist, but you can actually FEEL them, how does this work????? Maybe I need to crack open my bio notes again, but I really don't think there's anything in Biology to account for this! Well, thank you so much for reading, you're so great. :D And please, anything you have to say AT ALL, even if it's just "I agree with you" or "I don't agree with you" (although I would like an explanation if you don't agree-wait, what's there to agree to?). Please, feedback is GOOD. Just like soap. Anyway, luv ya, thank for your time. :) :D

četvrtak, listopada 09, 2003
Well, I survived my Chem exam, I probably did really bad, but people that I conversed (I don't use such big words as converse, but what the heck, I can indulge in pretended intelligence every once in a while) with seemed to think that my random making things up method for the written response was pretty darn good (they thought my answers were VERY logical). So yeah, let's hope the teacher gives lots of marks for creativity. :D Oh, and it seems that stress improves my mood cuz now I can actually listen to music, so now we get another lyrics guessing 'competition', here we go...put yur thinking caps on! Well, this one really isn't gonna be very hard, but neway: "...always confusing the thoughts in my head, so I can't trust myself anymore..." Have a joyous time guessing, and don't forget that that is an AWESOME song! :D Correction: Upon experimentation I have discovered that I can only listen to Evanescence and Mr. Bedingfield, everything else (except for a select few songs) is hated by me because it does not suit my mood. As I told Tas before, I can't listen to music unless it emphasises my mood, if I were to listen to happy music right now I might shoot something (not something living)with the non-existent gun that I'm holding right now. Seriously, I hate songs if they're not the right mood for me. I mean, I love pretty much all one mood or another (except for the kinds you know I dislike all the time), but if it tries to make me happy when I'm better hope you're not in the room with me-cuz I might do some drastic mood swinging. Except if any of you were in the room with me I probably wouldn't be depressed, so you have nothing to worry about. Although when I listen to sad music and I'm happy it's all good. So I guess I just don't appreciate it when music tries to drag me out of my misery. ANYWAY, that was my spiel for the day, hope you enjoyed it. Luv you, bye. :D

K guys, yesterday I wasn't bawling out of sadness (I was too shocked that we actually told to be sad), I was bawling out of relief. I thought I was all good with the issues and such, but now I'm not. I really should be happy with how things worked out since I'm so pessimistic and I thought it were turn out in the WORST possible way and it didn't. But you know, I feel the pain (no one is to blame for this but me, and really I'm not to blame either cuz I did NOT choose any of this-so no one feel bad but me!). And I thought I could handle it, now I'm not so sure. So, now that we all know I'm an idiot (even more so than before)...I don't know what now. Stupid life. Oh, one thing good about today was that I did good on my math test!!!! Yeehaw. And sorry, there's gonna be no song competition today because I'm unable to appreciate music today (and I can only remember the lyrics to a song that I've already done, I'm slightly on the skewed side of things today). Music used to be the only thing that could cheer me up, I always thought I could turn to my music when I was depressed. Well, so much for that idea. I can't believe how easily I can pretend to be happy (not speaking of the moment, but you really have no idea how good an actress I really am-when it comes to real life that is). And now I'm putting together my flyers for my first route tomorrow-10 flyers! Tons man. Well, see you guys. (((hugs))) :: sniff ::

srijeda, listopada 08, 2003
Well, I just finished vacuuming, now there will be no time slotted for a freak-out session this evening as there was last night. (My freaking-out really had nothing to do with why dad was yelling at me, but the extenuating circumstances-see yesterday's blog-created a rather on-the-verge-of-sobbing type feeling and the freaking out just kindof brought it out in full force, so really the reason my dad thought I was bawling is not really the reason at all.) That was a nice glimpse into my occasionally horrible life, now on to the good stuff. Today was a pretty good day. Yeah, and now I'm pretty happily sitting at my computer (you should all know what that looks like from all the pictures of me staring at the computer in the yearbook, the only good picture in there of me is the drumming one :D) ANYWAY, hope you all had an excellent day too...I want a yearbook, I so shoulda spent that extra 30 bucks that I didn't have to get one last year at registration. Oh well! And...I'm in a really wierd mood right now which means that I'm happy for no reason and am once again laughing ceaselessly, I think there's something wrong with me. Luv ya! :D :D
Lyrics guess: "...if I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?" Happy guessing! :D

utorak, listopada 07, 2003
Lo, I'm going to try taking your advice NOW! After a week of being perfectly happy (for the first time in months) I've decided that he's just 'not' worth (yeh, good luck on getting that through my head) the hurting that I get (cuz it came back today). So, this is my resolution; to move on. And I'm going to try my best. We'll just see if it hurts less this way or not, I really don't see how this is going to improve the situation at all, but I guess it's worth a try. :: sigh :: Oh, and some more song lyrics for you all to guess the song they're from(Lo got yesterday's), here we go: "...these wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real, there's just too much that time cannot erase..."

Well, stupid BlogOut thingy ran away, and I'm afraid I couldn't find it. So, now I have a new after-post (sounds funny, cuz post also means after...hahahahahahahaha! K, so it's not really that funny) commenty box for all y'all. Please feel free to utilize it just like the other one, it was so great. (BTW, I can't see any of the previous posts from you guys, so if you posted anything of relative importance, it would be lovely if you re-iterated it for me. Thanks. :) ) So, now on to the news of today. Today that math test was stupid (I'm sure it would have been stupid any other day too, but you know...right?). I mean, not nearly as stupid as the first unit exam, but that last question...I THOUGHT THAT WAS FROM CHAPTER 3!!!! WHY WAS IT ON THIS TEST?????! Yeah, and then Twister at lunch, that was some good times until only Lo and I were playing cuz Da ditched us. ;) And people kept looking at us, very bad thing since I like to get the least amount of attention as possible from strange people that I don't know. Oh well, that was my day (all the important parts). Oh, and we learned about arson in Forensics, now I know all the perfect ways to make an arson look like an accident. Muahahahahahaha! But you know I'd never do that, it'd be too evil for me. So yeah, see yas all, have a good day! (((hugs))) :D

ponedjeljak, listopada 06, 2003
Hello folks!! I am SO screwed! I don't have a clue how to calculate the molar enthalpy of those things for my labs. It'd be nice if the teacher had taught us that stuff (he did, but not enough for us to know how to do this part)! Oh well, I'm sure it won't be that big of a deal if I fail them. But, what joy, the bio lab is DONE!!! Stupid lab, I hope I don't keep going down like my lab report marks in grade 10 did (at least it had a LONG way to go down). Maybe the system will be better this time and give me 100% on the first lab so that by the time my mark is finished going down after all our labs this year my lab mark will be about 85%. Hmmm...excellent plan, although I'd rather keep it at 100% the whole time. Hey, it's really nice out today...I boiled on the way home so good thing I didn't bring my jacket, that way I froze for only 6 minutes this morning on the way to the bus stop and didn't have to boil even more on the way home. (I could have shoved it in my rupsap [;)], but then the bulk of it would have increased boilage, think logical here poeple!) Yeah, so anyway, see ya, luv ya, have a joyous day! :D :D Oh, and since Lo's song question is still waiting to be answered, I'm gonna take over until it has been solved. So here we are: "...I think about you all the time, I see you in my dreams..." (I think those lyrics are right, I like this song even though parts of it are insanely wierd, but this is the only song I can think of that someone won't get RIGHT away, so have fun! :D)

nedjelja, listopada 05, 2003
You guys, I have to finish my bio lab, finish my two chem labs, do math review and do stupid english questions (which I, by the way, am insanely horrible at). All in the time between now and later when I sleep (which usually happens randomly between midnight and 4am, no wonder it's always so tempting to fall asleep in social...). But, other than all that today is a good day. We watched the Matix in sunday school, and the Scottish pastor spoke today, AND it turned out that I didn't have to be in the nursery and miss the wonderful accented-ness that Pastor Stuart possesses. So yeah, we now get to see how much worse or better my day can get from now. :D

subota, listopada 04, 2003
K guys, get this. I went out with the young adults group from my church (Christie and Jon talked me into it), and we went to the corn 'maize'. It was so great! We should so do that sometime. I mean, playing tag in the dark in a corn field of ten foot high corn while thinking how ironically similar it is to 'Signs' (someone even did the whole alien leg sticking out of the stalks thing)? What's better than that? And then we went to Boston Pizza and had Quesadilla, that was SO yummy, I've never had it before...mmmmmmmmm. So, that was some joy. And today I get to take the First Aid Course (St. John's Ambulence one), so I will not be spending all day doing homework or talking on MSN as I usually do. But, hopefully all of you who go to the U of A open house have fun (who all is going anyway?), I'll certainly be missing out on some fun there. Instead I get to rescue dummies and stuff. Woohoo, doesn't that sound great? So yeah, it's from 9-4 so I don't get to go to the open house at all, which really doesn't matter cuz I don't think I'm going to the U of A anyway. So, after that I'll be having a jolly old time doing homework and talking on MSN (that's assuming nobody kicks me off the computer, but that shouldn't be a problem since homework is a priority, therefore dad can't use it...and Jon is here so Christie won't want to use it. Well, have a smashing day and don't forget that you should never smoke when running through a corn maize (I don NOT speak from experience, but we did discuss the possibilities of the lovely view from above and stuff should a corn maize go up in flame). ;D :D

petak, listopada 03, 2003
Here's the deal folks. I haven't seen 'The Ring' and I want to see it, so...we should all watch in on Halloween (or some other time, but Halloween just seems so suitable). Good idea or no? (Da: we know you don't wanna see it but I think you should anyway :D) And today was a good day, especially the cupcake (thanks Da), which almost overshadows the loud things said in math today (thanks again Da) and I was gonna say something, it wasn't pure looking, so blarg to that! Oh, and I'm taking the first aid course tomorrow, we'll see how that goes I should anyone choose to die or something, you are not going to get away with it cuz I'm going to rescue you! (Don't die pease!)

četvrtak, listopada 02, 2003
The shirt reminds me of the cheat...cuz they sound the same...not really. But they're both 'good' (yes, I know that has a broad spectrum of meanings, figure it out). And, I just thought that it'd be interesting to look at the list of the 5 worst airports in the world on MSN, suspecting that perhaps the one that I'm gonna have to go to might just be on there because of the warnings of certain experienced (?) people. And not only was it on there, but they said that it was THE worst airport in the world (this is not including airports in places that most people would never in their right mind want to go). So, here's what they said:
London Heathrow (LHR). This airport is so laughably bad that it deserves its own category. It's a dark, confusing maze blocked with security checkpoints staffed by humorless bureaucrats. And just when you think you've found your gate, you're forced to board a rickety bus that takes you to yet another dark, confusing maze of a terminal. On my last visit to this airport, I contracted a wicked case of Norwalk virus, the dreaded gastrointestinal ailment known for infecting cruise passengers. Thanks a lot, Heathrow. Matt Petersen, who works for a nonprofit organization in Alexandria, Va., says he's willing to overlook the cigarette smoke and confusing layout at Heathrow, "but there's no getting around the annoyance of that long, twisting, lurching bus ride." Indeed, there isn't.
One redeeming quality: The airport employees. Apart from the stone-faced security guards, the gate agents, customs officials, and airline employees I've met are friendly and apologetic about the monstrosity they work in. Adds Sharon Adcock, a consultant from Manhattan Beach, Calif.: "The shopping isn't bad, either." (2, 3, 4, 5 were Mexico City, Frankfurt, Moscow Sheremetyevo, and Paris Charles De Gaulle respectively.)
Now, can you imagine me going through that horror by myself with my shyness? I'm really gonna have to work on that if I want to survive. Me dealing with scary humourless bureaucratic security people? Help! I think maybe I'll just walk to Capernwray...but no, flying (although it terrifies me) is so much fun (I guess I'm one of those that laughs in the face of danger...rollercoasters and flying...I love 'em but I'm so frickin scared of 'em). Popcorn for lunch, ooh yeh. :D

srijeda, listopada 01, 2003
K guys, I have the special little shout out thingys now, so should you wish to say something in regards to a specific post (I hope you do, it would make my day so much more fun), you can do so by clicking on the 'Shout Out' link at the end of every post and then by doing what it tells you. I figured it out all by myself, dananananaNA!! Thank you and good night! :D Now you don't have to sign the guestbook every time you want to say something! (Which appears to be not very often, but meh, the times that you did were awesome and I hope to see more. ;) )

The radio 'plays' (radio's are not alive and cannot actually play as we all know) 'Where is the Love' too much. It's such a good song but if they keep playing it I'm gonna get sick of it. I mean, the last thing I heard before I arrived late in math was 'Where is the Love' and first thing I heard on the walk home was what? 'Where is the Love.'
"How long will I be waiting? Until the end of time. I don't know why I'm still waiting, I can't make you mine. I'm trying to forget that I'm addicted to you."-just thought I'd add this, it's so true...I'm so sad (not unhappy sad-I'm quite on the joyful side of things right now actually-, what I mean is I am way too 'addicted' sad.) And sorry for stealing you're s/n name Da, but I'm listening to the song and I feel it.
Anyway, today was a relatively good day, I mean, it was early dimissal, what more can I ask for? Despite the fact that I forgot it was early dismissal and came to math late (that was so funny, I was laughing at myself for like 5 minutes because of it), it was a good day. As good as day ones get anyway, which is much better than I would think. And now my locker is gorgeous with all the pictures of people. Oh yeh, good stuff. And I just ate lunch again...yummy sandwhich, I haven't had a sandwhich in so long I'd forgotten how truly lovely processed meat (it is called processed when it's in slices, right? Like cheese?), lettuce and mayonnaise slapped between bun halves can taste. Mmmmm :D Oh, and just a little question...if 1kg of almonds kills you (cyanide) can 0.99kg (or even 0.999999999999999999999999999999kg) kill you? No, I did not eat a kg of almonds or anything even close to that and I'm not planning to...EVER! But, ya know, I was thinking about almonds and that's what happened. ;)