I really...don't know what to say. Besides the fact that I think my ecstatic happiness has finally worn off. Now I'm once again subject to the gloom of daily life. And I don't think it's just due to my 'morning sickness' of yesterday and today. It's more a mental gloom going on here. One good thing though, it's misting outside. Fully-fledged rain would be more acceptable, but at least it's wet. :) I think calculus is the most idiotic subject on the face of the earth. Who cares about what rate the area of the supid little triangle is changing! Grrrr...maybe if I actually understood it all! Instead, I understand only the simplest stuff...I'm so gonna fail the next unit exam.
I need some money, mom's birthday is in 4 days and I have no money for her present. I'm so poor...I wish some rich person would give me some of their billions that they're never gonna use (hoarding misers, the lot of 'em) so I can buy all my Christmas presents, birthday presents, plane tickets and schooling without having to worry. But, I suppose that's life. :: sigh :: Life is so pointlessly crappy sometimes. At times like these I need some non-happy music...or at least some gorgeously beautiful music that adds character to my gloom (I need a new word here guys). Ah well, I'm used to not getting what I want/need so I'm pretty sure I'll get over it all eventually.

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