until I leave for Capernwray!!!!!!!! England! Rock ON!

utorak, listopada 14, 2003

Capernwray recieved my deposit, what joy!!!!!! Hey, you know what are really good? Cocktail buns from Stupidstore, they're all sweet and coconutty (that reminds me me, I should get back to sniffing my lip butter) and GOOD. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! And you know what else are good? Half cooked buns (also from Stupidstore) with ice cream. Ahhh, I love the choices I have for lunch when I'm at home. And tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut and dyed at the place but mom's not gonna be there to influence the colour I dye my hair, so I'm thinking someone should come and help me pick an absolutely smashing one. Cuz these decisions are so very hard to make myself. I keep threatening Deepest Blue and technically she hasnt said 'no' yet, so really I could do that if they have it. But yeah, that's the story. And all you all-knowing music people out there haven't answered my last lyrics 'question' so no new one today (bummer, hey?-sarcasm) until you do. Oh, and since that song is apparently sung by a gagillion different groups/people I will give you a hint...they're not Canadian and they have a number in their name. Well, I really should be off to study now...and put together my flyers. I wonder which will get done first...
P.S. SOME people need to clean out their inbox. :S If you didn't get the email entitled "what does woot mean, etc." then that means you. Oh, and the email's about halloween and the surrounding days and tentative plans, so email me about what days you're busy and not busy etc. PLease. :D