First of all, I must say that flyers are HEAVY! Especially when you carry them all with just your right (or left) arm. I can no longer support my arm all the way up, and the highest that it goes it shakes like crazy. I was watching it shake for like two minutes while I held this piece of paper and I was laughing my head off. Quite sad really, but hey, it's hard to make me happy these days and if something idiotic like that can do it then I'm all for it. And now I'm going to go off on a philosophical/theological spiel, I know it's gonna sound corny or dippy (hahahahahahaha!), etc. But I'm going to say it anyway. Please comment, I'd love to hear some feedback on this one. :) It's long, but I really do wonder about it.
K, well, I'd really like to know where feelings come from. Obviously, science is limited in this department, because although the brain interprets things so that we know what we SHOULD feel, it doesn't make us feel that way. It's not like it sends out hormones to make us feel a certain way, and even if it did there's nothing to send it to. It's not like there's an organ that contains all possible feelings and each one needs it's own hormone to set it off. I mean, really feelings come from NOWHERE, they just radiate and overwhelm you. So obviously there's something supernatural going on (yes, I believe in God, but I don't believe feelings come directly from God, cuz that would defeat the purpose of free choice that He's given us, if he just said "oh, well I'm gonna make you feel this way now" it'd all be kinda pointless don't'cha think?-yes, He's given us the FREEDOM OF CHOICE). It's more like what some people would call a soul I guess, it isn't a physical thing which is VERY hard to grasp because it's not really there, but it IS. This leads me to believe there's another dimension that hasn't yet been discovered except by intercessors who can see the supernatural goings on in the world behind the physical world that we see (yes, there are people who see the supernatural-can that be called metaphysical or no-instead of the physical. I know some myself, one guy almost died because of the things he could see going on-he wasn't breathing at one point, as soon as he prayed to be healed he was completely better). Anyway, back to the's a very odd thing, because you can actually FEEL them (thus they're called feelings ;)), they hurt (if it's a negative feeling)....physically, but how can they physically hurt if they're not physical themselves???? Technically they DON'T exist, but you can actually FEEL them, how does this work????? Maybe I need to crack open my bio notes again, but I really don't think there's anything in Biology to account for this! Well, thank you so much for reading, you're so great. :D And please, anything you have to say AT ALL, even if it's just "I agree with you" or "I don't agree with you" (although I would like an explanation if you don't agree-wait, what's there to agree to?). Please, feedback is GOOD. Just like soap. Anyway, luv ya, thank for your time. :) :D

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