Man, the flyer peoples sure now how to confuse me. "Let's tell her she's supposed to deliver this one flyer to ALL the houses and then not even give her the flyer. And then let's do some random highlighting and crossing out to make it even better." I think I understand now, but if I screw up it's totally NOT MY FAULT!!!!! So, I'm noticing a lack of guessing for my previous lyrics thing-a-ma-jigger, therefore I'm just going to tell you what the song is because I have no patience for this waiting thing. The song was 'Paint it Black'-the U2 rendition. So next song now: "...I wanna know if you're busy, I wanna know if you're doing anything tonight..." Sorry guys, it's really easy but it's all I could think up right now. :S So, today it was extremely windy on the way to school, seriously as soon as I stepped into the school I felt like I was leaning. And I was like 2 minutes late, I only got to school at 9:57am instead of 9:55am, it was so disturbing, the wind slowed me down by two whole minutes! Stupid wind. And it totally messed my hair, but that's what the time between getting to school and break is for (fixing my hair and trying to mush it into something that doesn't make me look like I've just been electrocuted). Maybe for halloween I'll leave my hair bushed and I can pretend that I DID get electrocuted. Hmmm, what a novel idea! Well, have a good rest of the day all y'all, love ya lots! :D
P.S. Da, I had an absolutely smashing conversation with you via your cell phone after school today. I learned ever so much, I think I even heard your water bottle or something sloshy add in a word or two every once in a while. And you know what else was great??? It wouldn't let me hang up!!!! I pressed the hang-up button (does it have a real name?) a gagillion times for like a minute each time and then I listened and your phone was still on! So then I decided to blast some music into the phone and see if you heard it, I dunno if you did but you hung up pretty quick so hopefully your batteries aren't dead now or something. So yeah, that was a nice 8 minute conversation, crowds of people and conversations that you can't understand sound so funny over the phone!

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