I think I just ate an apple from our tree in the backyard, they're cooking apples. Which means they're extremely sour. Ah well, I think I'll survive. Guess what? I hate English, it's right up there on the worst subjects list with Math (the only difference being I can actually do most of the stuff required in English). I mean, who really cares which character said what in a Shakespeare play? It's not like I'm gonna be some non-english play analyzer, it's useless I tell you. Can you tell I did horrible on the re-write today? Well, yeh, I did. I'm gonna be stupid today and not seperate things properly into paragraphs, k? Not like you can really change it if I do. So, 7 flyers today, not bad at all. Head on down to Sofa Land for all your sofa needs!-said in a low, announcer-like voice. Well, I think it's time for a new lyrics thinger. The last one was (I think) 'So Close' by Evanescence, but I don't feel like going back to check so if it's not then too bad. So, here are some more lovely lyrics for you (I think today's is gonna be pretty easy again): "...please don't hate me, but there's nothing you can say..." Enjoy! :D You guys, I just discovered the saddest thing ever...can't believe I'm admitting this...Eminem has some good sound going on. I don't usually like rap, but his sound is good. His lyrics are not so lovely, but the sound is appealing. I feel like a FREAK. Well, I guess I really am a rounded individual in my musical tastes. :S

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