Well, I just finished vacuuming, now there will be no time slotted for a freak-out session this evening as there was last night. (My freaking-out really had nothing to do with why dad was yelling at me, but the extenuating circumstances-see yesterday's blog-created a rather on-the-verge-of-sobbing type feeling and the freaking out just kindof brought it out in full force, so really the reason my dad thought I was bawling is not really the reason at all.) That was a nice glimpse into my occasionally horrible life, now on to the good stuff. Today was a pretty good day. Yeah, and now I'm pretty happily sitting at my computer (you should all know what that looks like from all the pictures of me staring at the computer in the yearbook, the only good picture in there of me is the drumming one :D) ANYWAY, hope you all had an excellent day too...I want a yearbook, I so shoulda spent that extra 30 bucks that I didn't have to get one last year at registration. Oh well! And...I'm in a really wierd mood right now which means that I'm happy for no reason and am once again laughing ceaselessly, I think there's something wrong with me. Luv ya! :D :D
Lyrics guess: "...if I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?" Happy guessing! :D

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