Well, today is Wednesday which means tomorrow is Thursday which means tomorrow is the last day od school this week. What joy! K, the craziest thing happened today. Like, two or three years ago I babysat for these people down the road, their kids' names are Danielle, Anthony and Julia and I hadn't seen them for AGES, I didn't even know if they lived there anymore. So then today I was walking home from school right at the time that the elementary kids get out of school and there was this little girl walking ahead of me and I was thinking "I wonder if that's Julia", which was wierd cuz I haven't seen them for like a year and a half, but then I thought it couldn't be her cuz she used to have extremely blonde hair so I dismissed it. But then I was walking up to the crosswalk and this little boy was staring at me and wouldn't go with his mom across the road, so I grinned enormously at him and he was like "STEPHANIE"!!!!!! And I was like...whoa, now I know who you are and why you're staring at me! The little girl WAS Julia and so then Anthony (the little boy) was like...why haven't you babysat us in so long, you were the best babysitter ever, I missed you, I even CRIED cuz I wanted you to babysit so bad!!!" And I was like, whoa, I didn't know I was that much fun. So it was great and totally made my day cuz now I know that kids actually like me, and it was so wierd cuz I was totally thinking about that being Julia and then it WAS. Insanity I tell you. New song now! Here we is: "...can you hear me smiling when I sing this song for you and only you?" Happy guessing! :D

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