K guys, here's the slide-show I made of the pics frum Lo's Party (and other stuff that I scanned yesterday), it might be kindof slow (loading) and I know this one is crap compared to the one I made last time, but it was the best I could do at this time in the morning. Whoa, that was some pretty good run-on sentence there. Anyway, here we is! I don't even know if this'll work cuz I really have no idea how to make power-points into HTML format, but let's see if this works cuz I really did try. Oh, and to get the actual slide-show instead of just the 'menu', click on the little pic of a pull-down screen in the bottom right corner of the page you linked to and then click with the mouse to get the slide show going (and keep clicking to keep it going). K, it didn't work here (as a link in this post) so it's under links now. Oh, and if you have a problem with these pics being on the internet just tell me and I'll remove them, but I really don't think it should be a problem. Just don't tell anyone else (that is if the problem comes from a fear of embarrassment if anyone sees these, although I don't know why, I'm sure everyone has odd pictures of themselves and I'm sure 'anyone' would never even see them cuz they don't read my blog) they're here and they'll never know. But yeh, if you really do have a problem with it just lemme know and they (the pics and hopefully your problems as well ;)) will be GONE as soon as possible. :D

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