Well, stupid BlogOut thingy ran away, and I'm afraid I couldn't find it. So, now I have a new after-post (sounds funny, cuz post also means after...hahahahahahahaha! K, so it's not really that funny) commenty box for all y'all. Please feel free to utilize it just like the other one, it was so great. (BTW, I can't see any of the previous posts from you guys, so if you posted anything of relative importance, it would be lovely if you re-iterated it for me. Thanks. :) ) So, now on to the news of today. Today that math test was stupid (I'm sure it would have been stupid any other day too, but you know...right?). I mean, not nearly as stupid as the first unit exam, but that last question...I THOUGHT THAT WAS FROM CHAPTER 3!!!! WHY WAS IT ON THIS TEST?????! Yeah, and then Twister at lunch, that was some good times until only Lo and I were playing cuz Da ditched us. ;) And people kept looking at us, very bad thing since I like to get the least amount of attention as possible from strange people that I don't know. Oh well, that was my day (all the important parts). Oh, and we learned about arson in Forensics, now I know all the perfect ways to make an arson look like an accident. Muahahahahahaha! But you know I'd never do that, it'd be too evil for me. So yeah, see yas all, have a good day! (((hugs))) :D

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