Today is the gloomiest day I have come across in a very long time. And I'm not speaking of outside cuz gloomy outside brings me joy, it adds so much character to the outdoors. It's just one of those days when, even if it's sunny and warm outside, you can feel like you're sitting outside in the rain, 'staring up at a dark grey sky', soaked to the skin and wondering what the point of sitting their thinking gloomy thoughts is. Even if you're staring at the sun outside while you feel this way. Everything seems more artificial. Like those school days when I feel gloomy, the lights inside just seem so unnatural, perhaps like driving a car across the ocean. (Hmmm, that'd be a sight and a half...maybe even more.) Except driving a car across the ocean would be a lot more amusing, cuz having to be enveloped in those lights all day makes me feel like I'm in prison or something. Actually, it reminds me of 1984 by George Orwell, I don't know why, it just has the same feelings attached to it. I felt so horrible today that doing my worksheet on Russia (mostly about Lenin and Stalin) actually brightened my mood slighlty. Cripes, just the fact that I started a worksheet when there's no due-date in sight proves how incredibley wrong this day is. And I cleaned my room with no prompting from my parents. Alas, it's days like these that I wish it was foggy outside...I love fog, GIVE ME SOME FOG! Don't ask how fog helps, but it seems appropriate.
I tried on my 'gypsy' costume btw, I look more like I'm trying to look like a 'cool' person than a gypsy. Perhaps the giant beaded necklaces will help. And I found a perfectly good pirate bandana for Lo, it's plain black. I'm thinking maybe I need some ribbons with braids in my hair to add to the gypsy-ness of it all...wot you think? Je pense que oui.
Oh, and since Lo and Lou both guessed the last song correctly I'm going to put up another one because I have nothing else to do with my time but waste it on the computer, writing stuff in my blog that people read even though I'm sure they don't really care what I have to say. I guess maybe blogs are pointless too, at least for people who aren't constantly happy. Cuz the only thing people respond to is the stuff that has no real purpose (which is usually when I'm happy or relatively so), the stuff that I actually feel or wish people could be serious for a second and respond to seems to go unnoticed. (You really CAN be serious people, I like to hear other people's opinions and what they think. Just because I'm too moronically shy to actually state my opinions when we're asked for them doesn't mean I don't have any. I really enjoy classes at school where we get to hear people's opinions and I always wish I could add things or say my opinion...but I'm too much of a coward because the fear of rejection or scorn always gets in my way. So please, if you have something to say just SAY IT. Of course, I've said all this before and it never has any effect on you, perhaps you don't have any opinions pertaining to the things I say.) ANYWAY, on with those lyrics you're all eagerly waiting for "...I'm looking down now that it's over, reflecting on all of my mistakes...". As you may have noticed, I'm keeping them relatively easy now cuz I don't like having to remember what song the lyrics are from, it's much more fun to have people saying stuff. People talking is good...very good. :: sigh :: See you, have a good day, keep the gloom to a minimum.
P.S. Don't forget that Daylight Savings Time ends tomorrow at approximately 2am tomorrow!

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