Guess what? I'm making COOKIES (chocolate chip oatmeal)!!!!!! Half of them are baked and cooling...and looking extremely perfectly browned; the rest are in the midst of the baking process. I think it's too good to be true; the last, like, 5 times I've made cookies they've actually been fully cooked and yet not burnt! So, I'm bringing them for dessert tomorrow and we can test them to see if they're really as excellent as they look (hopefully I didn't forget the sugar or anything ;))! So I'm hopin' you ALL like oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies.
Well, it looks like I won't be wearing a costume tomorrow after all cuz there seems to be a slight lack of...costume. Ah well, I promise to wear my hat if Lo wears her snake (what's HE called again? And remember it's NOT the weekend yet), if Tas wears the fur hat and if Da wears her hot yellow hat...and I think someone should wear the fuzzy boots that we have in the basement. NOT me, but you know, if ya wanna wear 'em let me know! ;)
I get to go pumkin carving tonight!!!!!! Yeehaw! I'm so excited...I don't know why, usually pumkin carving is not nearly this exciting. Oh well, BRING ON THE JOY! :D
Well, it's high time for another lyric thinger, so here are some lovely 'unknown' lyrics for you. Btw, one of these days I'm actually gonna give a BIG prize, so hone your skills now while there's still time! Then we'll see who's REALLY the lyric master. ;) Oh right, and the lyrics are: "...if I didn't say it I still would have felt it, now what's the sense in that?" Enjoy! :D :D
This is just a lovely little picture I found of a house on Carlton Hill (Edinburgh), isn't it cool? I want it.
P.S. Lu, could I please have my (actually, they're really Christie's) earmuffs back? They were indeed mine because they were that tackiest thing we could find in the absence of lace. If we had had lace we would've wrapped your bag in it which I'm sure you would have loved VERY much more. Well, I mean, your bag was just conveniently right there within reach beside my desk...we couldn't just leave it there looking all forlorn and lonely. But yeh, I don't want to freeze my ears walking home again so I would appreciate some earmuffs. Thanks muchly. :D

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