K guys, get this. I went out with the young adults group from my church (Christie and Jon talked me into it), and we went to the corn 'maize'. It was so great! We should so do that sometime. I mean, playing tag in the dark in a corn field of ten foot high corn while thinking how ironically similar it is to 'Signs' (someone even did the whole alien leg sticking out of the stalks thing)? What's better than that? And then we went to Boston Pizza and had Quesadilla, that was SO yummy, I've never had it before...mmmmmmmmm. So, that was some joy. And today I get to take the First Aid Course (St. John's Ambulence one), so I will not be spending all day doing homework or talking on MSN as I usually do. But, hopefully all of you who go to the U of A open house have fun (who all is going anyway?), I'll certainly be missing out on some fun there. Instead I get to rescue dummies and stuff. Woohoo, doesn't that sound great? So yeah, it's from 9-4 so I don't get to go to the open house at all, which really doesn't matter cuz I don't think I'm going to the U of A anyway. So, after that I'll be having a jolly old time doing homework and talking on MSN (that's assuming nobody kicks me off the computer, but that shouldn't be a problem since homework is a priority, therefore dad can't use it...and Jon is here so Christie won't want to use it. Well, have a smashing day and don't forget that you should never smoke when running through a corn maize (I don NOT speak from experience, but we did discuss the possibilities of the lovely view from above and stuff should a corn maize go up in flame). ;D :D

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