K you guys, (I seem to have started my last three posts with k, I gotta keep up the tradition although it's really bugging me) how long ago did we do that pizza making gig? Cuz there's still leftover tuna and pineapple in the fridge (there would be corn too, but I ate it for lunch the next day). Sick man. I hope no one eats that, but I'm not going to tell them how long its been in there. Muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Yeah, so I just had this gynormous feeling of excitement take over cuz I get to be in England at this time next year. Whoa, THIS IS SO THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!! I need to get my passport for some more joy, but mom says I can't get it 'til January or something. How very evil, what if I want to get a visa for extra security??? It might not give me enough time if I only get my passport in January. Oh well, I don't even need a visa. And if I still want extra security I really only need to get an entry clearance thinger instead of a fully-fledged visa. (In case the immigration official at the airport decides I'm not suitable to be in England, then I get to stay in England until my trial instead of getting' deported' immediately.) Oh well, I get to go to England in both cases, so it's all good. And I checked it all out, I can get 'cheap' plane tickets to the Gatwick Airport if I have a stop over in Minneapolis (that's a city right? I just had a total brain blockage and I can't remember), -it's only a 14 and a half hour trip-which will prevent me from experiencing the horror of Heathrow. Except Capernwray doesn't send a bus for us from Gatwick. Oh wait, I think the Capernwray bus just leaves from London somewhere, not necessarily Heathrow (although that would make sense), but even so I think I'd rather take a taxi from Gatwick to Heathrow than actaully have real life experience with the whole insanely bad Heathrow airport thing. What'cha think? Good plan? We'll see what mom and dad say. And what Capernwray says in their next letter to me.

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