Hello folks!! I am SO screwed! I don't have a clue how to calculate the molar enthalpy of those things for my labs. It'd be nice if the teacher had taught us that stuff (he did, but not enough for us to know how to do this part)! Oh well, I'm sure it won't be that big of a deal if I fail them. But, what joy, the bio lab is DONE!!! Stupid lab, I hope I don't keep going down like my lab report marks in grade 10 did (at least it had a LONG way to go down). Maybe the system will be better this time and give me 100% on the first lab so that by the time my mark is finished going down after all our labs this year my lab mark will be about 85%. Hmmm...excellent plan, although I'd rather keep it at 100% the whole time. Hey, it's really nice out today...I boiled on the way home so good thing I didn't bring my jacket, that way I froze for only 6 minutes this morning on the way to the bus stop and didn't have to boil even more on the way home. (I could have shoved it in my rupsap [;)], but then the bulk of it would have increased boilage, think logical here poeple!) Yeah, so anyway, see ya, luv ya, have a joyous day! :D :D Oh, and since Lo's song question is still waiting to be answered, I'm gonna take over until it has been solved. So here we are: "...I think about you all the time, I see you in my dreams..." (I think those lyrics are right, I like this song even though parts of it are insanely wierd, but this is the only song I can think of that someone won't get RIGHT away, so have fun! :D)

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