Well...it appears we may finally be getting "up wit' the times"; dad and I went to look at DVD players yesterday to check prices cuz he might be buying one. Yeehaw! I KNEW there was something up when he bought that DVD.
I have to test out my gypsy constume...which isn't really a costume but we'll see how horrible a gypsy I make. I am VERY dissapointed in you guys, no one guessed the last song. Well, you probably didn't know it so it was a song by The All-American Rejects, I don't remember what the song was called cuz it was the first time I'd heard it. Now here's another song which I think is pretty easy, here we are: "...never made it as a wise man, I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing...". Easy enough? Good, happy guessing. :)

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