So, the University of Lethbridge rocks with the fires of a thousand evils. Ok, not evils. But you know, right? Yeh, that's what I thought. It's like, a gajillion times better than the U of A. AND DON'T GET IN A HUFF OF DEFENSIVE RAMBLING BECAUSE I'VE ACTUALLY BEEN TO BOTH AND CAN ATTEST TO THE FACT FROM EXPERIENCE. Those of you who have something against Lethbridge, prepare to be socked in the eye. Or at least, prepare to be hit with the truth which will feel like a sock in the eye. Or so DC Talk says. At least I think it was DC Talk. Yeh, so the trip was awesome. At least I think it was. Lo man, you missed a good ol' time. And Lethbridge has some really nice *scenery*. Like, fresh and nice. And yeh, it was just great.
I've just decided that my dream of dream of dreams is to live in the country. Anything that has more than one (or more if it's farm stuff or outhouses or something) building on a chunk of land the size of Woodbridge Farms (at the smallest) is just totally not worth the trouble. I mean, why would you go to a mall when you can go hiking around in a field (don't ask how that thought really connects to the last one, you know me and my thoughts; they change a lot). Don't get me wrong, I love my little house with it's miniscule yard. But what would be so incredibly much better is a little house (or a cave on a Scottish mountain side) in a small grove of trees (or a forest) and just countryside all around. Maybe my aunt's brother will hire me on one of his farms so I can heard cattle or something. What fun! :D
I turned on the TV like half an hour ago and it was on CBC so CBC Kids was on and Hanson was doing the whole "this is CBC kids" thing and if I'm not mistaken, Zac has grown into quite a fetching young lad. I may have to go check just to make sure, but it was pretty good. And his hair was normal. Like, guy hair. Ok, I've just looked and maybe he's not so great. But at least he looks like a guy now. That's definitely an improvement. Ok, I've checked some other pics and he looks completely different from his oldness. And it's definitely good. He's got a bit of little boy freshness going on and perhaps even slightly chubby cheeks. He's dece. Not overly so, but I'm sure Da will be happy to hear he no longer looks like a girl. So I wont need to ask about that anymore. I would put a picture up, but that might seem overly...over. What the heck, I will anyway. Then you can judge for yourself and I can stop rambling. He reminds me slightly of the lead Starfield guy who was just awesome, until I found out he was 27. And he was so perfect, Mennonite and everything. ;) Ok, so I can't find a free pic to put up, but go here and see. Some of them are...odd. Number 51 is the best I think, but you know, have a look. And you know, after having been exposed to the Hanson music of old (several times :D), I've decided it's really actually quite good stuff. It was such a bringer back of memories. Anyway, have a lovely day y'all! :D