Though nothing would keep us together, we could steal time just for one day! We could be heroes forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!! We could be heroes forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We could be herooooooooooooooooooos! Just because I will always love you...I can't helping loving you!
Moulin Rouge is so awesome. And that's hardly even contributed to by the fact that the main character is Scottish.
I'm getting my passport tomorrow (and my shoes). After that I can apply for entry clearance. Them Brits better not take me for a terrorist or I'll have to "commit the crime that I was convicted of." (A little something from The Count Of Monte Cristo for ya.) But seriously, if they don't give me my clearance I'm gonna have to strangle someone. Preferably someone British. Someone British with the power to affect my entry clearance-ness, so no worries Lou. I really hope my picture doesn't look too terrorist like! :O
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Never knew I could feel like this, it's like I've never seen the sky before. Want to vanish (not furnish as SOME very odd people think) inside your kiss, every day I love you more and more. Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing? Come back to me and forgive everything!!!!!!!! *gasp* Seasons may change, winter to spring. I will love you 'til the end of time. Come what may (and Christian goes into a rampage of Come What Mays :D) I will love you until my dying day! COME WHAT MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come what may. I will love you until my dying (Cwistian, he's got a guuuuuuuuun!)...they'we trying to kiwe you!" Auggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh the beauty cannot be fathomed! It just cannot! Now I want to be in a musical. Why my church doesn't put them on anymore is beside me, but they SO should because then I could be in it. And once again audition for something completely out of my league. Of course, now I can sing better so at least maybe I could wangle my self a bit of a solo piece. Why do I even want a solo? Then people would know what I sound like. Some people I don't even know know what I sound like and it's beyond me how they figured that out. Oh well. The Passion made me miss our Easter musicals so much. It was just like them except with better effects alive, I miss those times. Especially the singing and the dancing and the robe costumes. And the sheep and donkey and doves and just all around goodness. Weeping, laughing, screaming, running, getting run over by carts, leaving my sandals on the stage and sneaking on stage during the service on Sunday to get them. And then the Roman centurions with their stashes of candy in the money pouches and coming into the crowd before the musical started to arrest people. I was so scared of them, but it was good fun. Why did they have to take it away from me?? I memorized every single song in every single one of those that I was in and I can still sing them (with prompting from music). THAT is how wonderful it was. And then there was the makeup. Basically coating us with orange make-up, bright lipstick and eye goop. And then walking around among the audience after. Perhaps I am cut out for performance after all. It's a lot easier to act once you're in costume. And I've only just realized how much I miss it. The last time I did it I think was the year I was doing the 'quartet' and I got to dance with Jesus. And then later we had the giant circle Hebrew like dancing. I cry at the sadness of no longer having Easter musicals. Well, if you count "The Gospel of John" from last year then we did have one recently, but our old ones were fathoms better. At least the people in it actually believed in what they were portraying. And they were just so much better. We would have started rehearsing last month if we were doing one this year. The sadness of it all. Goodbye. :: sniff ::

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