My computer has something against me. The internet didn't turn off at all today except for once and I didn't even really notice cuz it came back on in about two seconds. Then, get this crap, someone to talk to actually comes on MSN and the crappy internet conks out and won't come on for 15 minutes so I have to restart the stupid computer. It's official, technology is a pain in the butt and should self-distruct. Who cares if some dumbaas think it makes life easier, they've got worms for brains and all this crap should be DESTROYED so we can get back to nature. Time to start the revolution guys. The only thing worth missing would be the music and hey, people can sing and play intruments so who cares. Oh look, there goes the internet again. PIECE OF CRAP! Ok, see, now it's back after two seconds. Everything hates me. EVERYTHING. Ah, the emotional roller coaster in one day in the life of Ste. Well, at least part of my day was good; when I finished reading 'One Semester in the Life of a Garbage Bag'. Other than that it's been pretty crappy. And it's gonna get worse cuz I have to do my chores. And I can't even listen to my depressing music because it doesn't go with the springiness (that has left the outdoors, but is still cemented into my brain), so it just makes things horrible. It's like that day in Social when I couldn't sit still (What day CAN I sit still in Social? Seriously, I wish I could just sit on the floor. At least then the stupid desk wouldn't confine my awkward sitting positions.). Goodbye, I have to go work on my IA, which I have amazingly enough cut down to only 73 words over the limit. :S I wonder if it's the aim of the IB people to make as many people as possible turn suicidal. They're certainly doing a pretty good job of it, although I certainly wouldn't go that far as of yet. I really don't have to try anyway, all I have to do is actually start caring about it and the stress will render me dead. ANYWAY, that's enough of that for now. Have a lovely day the rest of you. :)

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