When I was babysitting yesterday the mom ordered pizza. And it was delivered. By a guy. And this guy was gorgeous. In the extreme. He was like, mascara boy except slightly older and much more beautiful. And I was just standing there in awe while la mama payed. And then when she was digging around in her purse he looked at me and smiled for like, a long time. Oh it was beautiful. He looked so gorgeous and innocent and nice and...wow. It was love at first sight I tell you. Except not cuz I'm not that shallow. But it was awesome. Mmmmmmmm, hot guys who take the time to smile at not hot girls. And it didn't seem like a sympathetic 'it's so sad you're hideous' smile either. It was like, genuine. Now that is some good people skills my friends.
Ok, that was a long ramble about stuff. And that's all I'm gonna say cuz now I have to have a shower and then work on my dumb IA of pure horridiosity. So have a lovely day all y'all and poiaps see you laterz. :D

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