My sincere apologies Lou. My dastardly behaviour was COMPLETELY uncalled for. OK, not completely cuz I was already in a bad mood as per usual, but other than that it was through no fault of your own. So you can have some humble pie if you want. I made it myself, so that might prove dangerous, but I tried to keep it safe. Alas, I haven't checked on it so I can't tell you for sure.
Da, you shouldn't have told me that you changed your room around cuz now I want to change mine again and it's only been about 2 months since the last time. It's so much fun, despite the fact that there really is not enough room in my room to change the direction of my bed and my dresser weighs about 600 pounds so to move it I have to do the whole planting my feet flat on the wall and moving the thing by dislocating my shoulders and tearing all the muscles in my arm from pushing so hard. Whatever will I do at Capernwray if my roommate(s) don't have a changing the furniture around in their room fetish? Well, I guess I'll have to be satisfied by changing the direction of my bed. Or sleeping outside.
Why did no one tell me the next copy of the IA wasn't due on Thursday? Oh well, that means less work this weekend.
Ok, so I still wanna do stuff but that means I have to go check my email again to see when the times would be best for y'all. So here I looks like nothing is good. Lo was available Friday evening which is long gone by now. Tas is available yesterday and today, Da is available this morning and tomorrow afternoon and Lou is just busy all the time. Soooooo, looks like we have no possibilities here. How dastardly. If anything changes, let me know but suggestions have been made for next weekend so keep that open y'all. Do I hear 'springy activities' (for some reason an Easter egg hunt comes to mind), 'Ikea', or 'roadtrip'? Well, that is what I hear. But those voices in my head are kindof weird.
You know, Jurassic Park is pretty good. Although I don't know what kindof children would WANT to see live dinosaurs. I get scared just seeing the computer-ish animated ones. Although I always did want a Triceratops ride. Wouldn't that be AWESOME? Yeh, I think it would.
Anyway, I'm going to go now so have a FAAAAAAAAAABULOUS weekend!
P.S. "....the chaos that controlled my mind..." We've had some complaints about the lack of shiny penny competitions recently, so here's one. AWESOME SONG. Is this the one you were speaking of Lou? I can't remember which song you said but it was by these people, and this one's awesome and you said it was an awesome song. So there it is.

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