Well, happy St. Patrick Day y'all! I know, I know, I'm not Irish. And we celebrate it all wrong anyway. And most people don't even know what we're celebrating. Irish people don't even do the whole green thing. But no matter, I quite enjoyed sticking fake plant in my hair. And rummaging through the house for green clothing. The only thing I found at first was dad's tie with some sort of old green car on it. But then Christie dug through her stuff for me. So now I'm an advertisement for the 'Biological Sciences' faculty-ish thing at the U of A.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, Daveo's talking to me about Capernwray and now I'm even more excited than before! Whatever shall I doooooooooooooo? And he says the taxis are safe but really expensive. Hmmmm, I think I'm gonna have fiscal issues in England. Oh well, there's always mom and dad if I run out completely. But I can't cuz I have to bring everyone presents! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the horror of money. Oh well, I'll just skip the eating part and it'll be all good. But there's no way I'm giving up that Edinburgh trip. Or the day trips to Cumbria. Dang, all these things that require money. I wonder if it'd be cheaper just to fly to Manchester and then take the bus from there. Hmmm, I shall have to look into this. The problem is, all the cheaper plane tickets are either to Heathrow or Glasgow. Hmmmm, Capernwray's only 70 miles south of the Scottish border, perhaps that would be cheaper...especially with that £49 flight thinger. I wonder if they've started that yet. Actually, I think they said it starts in May. So we'll see. Although there IS a sale on right now at TravelCuts for $200. And even if that's only one way, it's still only $400 for round trip. And that is a deal and a half.
Anyway, I'm gonna go now. Have a fabby day! :D
P.S. Gj Da on guessing the right song! Remind me to fetch you a shiny penny! :D

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