It's official; I'm going to fail my History IA. I should just give up now, at least that way Mr.Ross won't have to have a nervy b trying to help me make my paper readable. Seriously, he may just start crying it's so horrible. Oh the pain. And then there are all these books...I'm NEVER going to get through all of this. But, as Daniel Bedingfield would say, "I gotta get through this." At least my source list is good. Not like I've actually checked to see if any of them have useful info in them yet. I have so far read 3 pages in one of the books and the only thing I've retained is the story about the Carp and the Pike. The Soviet Union is the Pike and the Carp is Czechoslovakia. Wow, the excitement. Anyway, I really should be continuing along on my paper writing. I'm never going to finish. This is CRAP. I could ask my Czechoslovakian cousin, he may have a useful opinion on the matter. And I could ask my German by way of Poland uncle and my Japanese uncle and Ukrainian grandpa. The possibilities for international opinion are really limitless with my family. Except for Scottish, there isn't any of that which is pure evility. Anyway, I must go attempt to get SOMETHING done on this paper tonight. Goodbye, have a wonderful evening. :D
"...and all of your ways, all you dream..."

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