Heeeeeeeeeey, I really have nothing to say but I feel like rambling on anyway, so here goes.
I wonder why those empty picture albums have been sitting here since November. They really are lovely and wasted at the moment. It's so very tragic. :: sniff ::
I have to go deliver my flyers in 15 minutes. Then I get to babysit. What an exciting Friday. But babysitting is fun so that's ok.
I'm going to FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIL my IA. But it's crappy IB so who cares. Although the stress will most likely eat away at me. Actually, I've just burst into flame. Now we know spontaneous combustion is possible. Let's do an experiment sometime. But first I think I'd better go extinguish myself, excuse me. Mmmmm, water.
I should get my passport one of these days. I think I'm getting the photos sometime next week when I go shoe shopping. My shoes are falling apart. It's sad.
I resign, what's the purpose in trying. I hope I never have homework again. Futile wishes.
I really don't wanna deliver my flyers. But I have to or they'll fire me. So I guess I better go. Goodbye.

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