Oh my goodness. You guys. My counting down is OVER half done. I started counting down exactly a year from when I go to Capernwray, now there are 181 days left. Half a year is 182.5 days. I'M OVER HALF WAY THERE!!!! I should get crackin' with all that plane ticket and Visa and other stuff stuff. And a bunch more people are coming to Capernwray at the same time as me now. Of course, they're either from the US or England (actually, one person is from Nigeria I think) so basically I'll be the lone Canadian when I go, but hey, I can show them what Canada is REALLY like. Yes folks, we do have trees. Although that'd be more like an American circle of non-thought. And seriously, it's not just a myth, they really do ask things like that. AND if we live in igloos and travel around in dogsleds. Yes, Christie was asked that by some hot American guy when she went on choir tour around Northeast US and Southern Canada. Honestly people, how ignorant can you get? Of course, I'm probably ignorant about numerous American things too but at least I don't make sweeping generalizations. (Because I know ALL Americans aren't as dumb as to ask those types of things.)
I have discovered that I love the International Airport. It's like, the gateway to wonder. Maybe I'll work there some day. The memories are so wonderful. Like the choir trip to Whistler and seeing mom off to Paraguay and Christie off to Russia. And sitting around at 1 o'clock in the morning nibbling away on a cinnamon stick, wandering aimlessly around and checking the flight listings every 5 minutes. Watching the airplanes fly in. Good times. OR, better yet, maybe I'll work at the Glasgow airport someday. Hmmmm, if I become a pilot I can fly there. New job prospect for me guys! It's only the fighter pilots who have to have perfect eyesight without eyewear, right?
Well, I gotta go drink another gallon of water so I can race everyone at the blood clinic. Really they have no chance, I always win. It takes me less than five minutes, some people sit there for 5 minutes and they've got about 3 drops of blood in the bag. Come ON people, they did tell you to drink lots of water. And then I'm going to get a hair-cut. That could be interesting, I might do something different this time which will mostly turn out even more hideous than normal. Oh well, it's just hair. I can shave it off if I want to. Or just dye it such a vibrant colour that no one pays attention to the cut.
So, that was my interesting spiel for the day. Hope you enjoyed. Cuz I know how interesting it is to read about my super exciting life. Super exciting. Maybe I'll faint and get rushed to the hospital. That would be super exciting. And then I'll fall off the stretcher, get a concussion and then miraculously heal. That would be even super-exciting-er. Or to reduce the pain, I'll just win a trip to Scotland. Yeh, good idea. So I'm gonna go work on that now. Have a lovely day y'all! :D

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