Beware The Ides Of March! :S
WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS???? Was it because I only wrote half a page on it when we were supposed to write a whole page? Was it because it was my WORST write-up? What, huh? What possessed Mrs. Roach to give me THAT poem? THE poem that no one wanted to do cuz a) it's only 14 lines long and b) it's about Keats' reading of Homer. Chapman's Homer. That is right, I, the worst English student in the class, had to do an oral commentary about 'On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer' (or something to that effect). Is that not injustice????? That is the ONLY selection out of all 20/30 some that there were that I knew I would have nothing to say for. And what does Mrs. Roach place on the desk but that very poem! Seriously, I'm beginning to think there's a curse on my family cuz that just happens to be the poem Christie had to do her 40 minute oral on AND she also had to do her oral commentary on the worst selection of her year. An injustice has been done here. Maybe a long time ago in Germany when my ancestors were royal (yes, I have chosen to believe that we were royalty in Germany, not merely maids to them as some people choose to say to burst my bubble), they exiled Mrs. Roach's family and now she's getting us back. Or maybe we really are cursed. Or perhaps its supposed to teach me a lesson, that I should do my work better. Fup, it was dumb. But I managed to squeak by with about 10 minutes so yay. AND NOW IT IS DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooooooooo, I got more window markers. Pastel colours this time. Although really I think they're brighter than the "Brites". But either way, they're ideal for road trips. And graffitiing. Etc.
Dad told me yesterday that the lady in charge of summer students at his work told him that there's a good chance I'll be working there next summer. Yay!
Mr. Ross thinks my summary of evidence is good, except I need to make it a bit more chronologically correct. The analysis he said is pretty good and I need to work on part A a bit. Other than that my IA is good except I need to make sure one of my source authors is not a "crackpot". So gj me, I can save it all for Wednesday. Or so. Hmmm.
"We said we'd take a little time for both of us to see, I wonder what it'd be like to carry on...". Guess at will!
Goodbye. Have a fantabulous evening! :D

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