Question of the day: Is it possible to be afraid of something you don't believe in? I'm inclined to believe it's not possible, but there's most likely some deep reason out there to totally prove me wrong. So I'll see what y'all think first.
I just spent 8 and a half hours working on my IA. And I have nothing to show for all my time except for a crappy 4 page ramble. It's horrible you guys. Mr. Ross is going to hate it. I only have 9 sources, they're all outdated except for one. I totally didn't cover all the stuff that I needed to. I talked about 3 things in my analysis and there were at least 5 that I should have talked about. But I guess that's what they get for limiting my words so much. As it is I have 2040 words for a 1500-2000 word paper. I guess that's not too bad, but still. I really should have more in there cuz it really doesn't state everything that should be stated. It's pure CRAP. All I can say is at least I'm fully knowledgeable about Czechoslovakia between 1945-1948 now. I really really pity Mr. Ross right now, he's going to die of boredom and absolute awe that someone with such crappy writing skills could wangle themselves in IB. Seriously guys, I was thinking of putting in a footnote about apologizing profusely for the pain he has to suffer reading my papers. Well, at least now he can add an example of what NOT to do for a History IA to his wall. So I can't say nothing good will come of this. But you guys, this dumb thing is finally done, even if it is just the rough draft. This means I have time to do OTHER homework again! What a nerd I am. But, I had three tests last week and I think my total studying time way maybe 2 hours, 3 at the most. No wonder I suck at everyhing. Maybe I should try harder. Maybe I should go to bed. I'm looking foreward to this six hour sleep I'm going to get. Actually, I think it'd work better just to stay up all night. That way I don't have to drag myself out of bed in the morning and prepare for a horrible day, I can just sit and be lazy and do nothing. But to sleep perchance to dream is what I say. And aye, there's not the rub because dreaming, my friends, is what I live for. Not really, but it makes for a nice break. At least in my dreams I can do what I want and say what I want and *ahem* fall madly in love with who I want. Except usually my dreams involve several gender changes, running away and quite consistently getting bombed by someone. No idea who's chasing me or bombing me, but it's always great cuz I can run faster than the cars. In fact, just a little while ago I dreamt I was in London and all of a sudden these troops came in and took us to a concentration camp. I, of course, thought up a bajillion ways of escape and they always work excpet I'm seriously a moron cuz I always went back. Of course, then I suck up to the guards and they let me go anyway. So then I think I waited for the bus at 'The Leaky Cauldron' except suddenly I was at a rocket launch pad and we were going to some planet and it really reminded me of Star Wars. My room was really cool on that planet though. Although I don't understand why I had a room there, it was a giant bank. The whole planet was a bank, it was wierd. But that's dreams for you. I actually like those dreams. The only ones I don't like are the one's that show my friends changing (always changing in a bad way). Those ones always kill me and then usually I'm in a bad mood for at least day afterward cuz I think they've actually changed and so I get mad at them for doing so. It's kindof dumb really, if they do change it's not like getting mad at them is going to make a difference. It's dreadful. ANYWAY. Goodnight. :)

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