'It's a beautiful daaaaaaaay, don't let it get away.' Or perhaps, 'we live in a beautiful world'. Hmmm, now I wanna listen to Coldplay. But that means I have to fetch the CD which is all the way upstairs. 'If you told me that is what heaven is, well you'd be right.' Danananana, guess who's happy again today? Yes, that'd be me. And you know, I quite enjoy this more than mere momentary happiness. Haaaaaa, perhaps I really am crazy. I mean really, the fact that I'm doing fairly badly in school right now should render me...depressed. But I guess I just don't care cuz the future is waiting on the horizon and the only part I'm worried about right now isn't affected by my grades. But really, wouldn't it be insane if I had multiple personality disorder and didn't know it? Actually, yes, that would be quite literally insane.
Da, I have just had a one sided conversation with you, mostly consisting of song lyrics. You should really sign-out if you're not gonna be on. I should take my own advice sometimes I guess.
YC is soon. ROCK ON! That means my birthday is even sooner. And that also means I have to donate blood on Saturday. Actually, it doesn't mean I have to but it reminded me of that. I guess I'd better eat healthily and iron-ful for the next few days so I don't have to go through the whole fiasco that I had to last time cuz my iron levels were so low. You see, the blood is supposed to sink to the bottom of the beaker, not float to the top as mine did. I did try, I ate some broccoli for breakfast, supposedly it has lost of iron in it but I guess it takes longer than 9 hours to process and infuse the blood. Oh well, perhaps this time. Which is good, I can't even see the old needle scars which is totally not going over well in my head. Not even the one that nearly cut off the circulation to my hand. Well, all I hope is that they have good nurses at this one. The mobile clinics seem to get the better nurses. That's good, I like that.
Anyway, g'bye! Have a fabulosa day! :D

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