Well, now not only do I know when I will die, I also know that I will be married before July 27th, 2007. What excitement. That means there is the possibility that I will be married for up to 58 years. That's dece. Hopefully the guy is interesting. Preferably spontaneous. I dislike the way I keep talking about these things. It's not like my self-esteem is high enough to survive if I keep talking about it. I resolve now that the only thing to look forward to is England and Scotland. After that who knows, but preferably I'll be in some 3rd world country where the people are too worried about other stuff to care what I look like. Then I won't have to care what I look like anymore either and I can actually concentrate on doing useful things instead of being ridiculously shallow and caring WAY too much about what I look like. Honestly, I disgust myself.
Moulin Rouge rocks. Just singing at the top of my lungs to the beauty that is the soundtrack (Especially Roxanne, that song ROCKS. And Come What May. What the heck, they're all fabulous.) could cheer me up if I let it. Unfortunately, I seem to dwell on things that deserve not dwelling on so I can't cheer up.
"It's more than I can stand! Whyyyyyyyy does my heart cry??? Feelings I can't fight!" *Ahem* Excuse that little outburst. I tend to do that a lot when I get hysterical. Music gives me hope. Which is too bad. Cuz hope doesn't help anything. I need to start listening to my depressing music again. That'll definitely make me feel better. This whole playing cheerful music when I'm even slighlty uncheerful is detrimental to my mental stability. Yes, I DO actually have a bit of mental stability. It just doesn't come out very often. Right now, I really should be pretending that I'm cheerful. The general public accepts that more. It's made me a very good actress actually. Which could be good. Maybe I'll be an actress. No, that wouldn't go over too well either.
Christie decided yesterday that she might come visit me at the end of March next year. That'd be cool, we could go to Scotland and Ireland. Awesomness. The more visitors the better I always say. Or don't always say. But I say it now. THE MORE VISITORS THE BETTER. So start saving up that money my friends. Perhaps I can make a deal with you too. I'll pay for your ticket if you pay for mine. ;) Anyway, as I know my long rambles are not particularly appreciated, I shall go now. Goodbye. :)

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