The Chancellor of Indosia says:
I HATE you but I LOVE you, I can't stop thinking of you.
nedjelja, studenoga 30, 2003
subota, studenoga 29, 2003
I made that paper thing that Mr. Broemling gave us the instructions for at the beginning of the year. It's never ending-ness brings me non-stop joy. It's like twiddling your thumbs except not. What a time consuming, pointless thing. It's great. :D
I just had a random thought, what are those things with black licorice and then candy on them called and are they good? We always have them at Christmas and it's bothering me as to what they are. I think someone told me once,but my memory has failed me again.
I have discovered that 'Cry Me A River' is and awesome song. It has some beauty to it. Like, lots of some.

I bought 3 Christmas presents yesterday (I wrapped them last night and then finished my book, so I got to bed at a little after 3am, good times), so now I only have 8 left to buy. Dangit, I thought it was only 7. Oh well, just means I somehow need to get MORE MONEY!!!! Ha, like that's gonna happen.
And so far I have 4 and a half minutes for my English presentation. Which means I need another 35 and a half minutes to get 40 minutes. Ha, Mrs. Roach is really dreamin' if she thinks I can ramble on in front of people for that long. Hopefully 10 minutes will suffice. And then World Lit., is there a rough draft due soon or something? Cuz I haven't started and if a rough draft is due on Monday I think I'll have to inform Mrs. Roach that I was too busy working on my piece o' crap presentation to even start on World Lit. IB is the most retarded thing anyone has ever come up with, I think whoever invented it should DIE (unless they're already dead) and take their dumb program with them. Burn it to high heaven I say. Burn it and rid us of this stupidity. Cuz just everyone is gonna be able to speak for 40 minutes! Do they have a BRAIN or was it somehow sucked out over the course of their lives? I have anger, deep anger at these people. And it's all my fault for taking IB. All I have to say is Im the dumbest dumb@$$ of them all. Something deserves to die right now. Preferably something that's already dead, which doesn't work because you can't kill something that's already dead. Oh well, the stress will eat away at me and perhaps it shall be so strong that I will spontaneously combust.
So, um, that last song was 'My Immortal' by Evanescence. GJ everyone for guessing correctly. *note the sarcasm* And, I'm gonna make this one really easy cause I can't think of anything else to do. "Shut up, just shut up, shut up" Enjoy, have a good day, kill me now before the presentation. Or just give me some semi-deadly virus that I can fight off but that will keep me bedridden at least until Tuesday evening. Thank you and goodnight. :)

petak, studenoga 28, 2003
Thanks for the support guys, but I haven't even started yet.
Da, thumbs up for the Christmas partay, Lo wanted to, Lu says 'sounds gud, ya' and I haven't asked Tas but next time she comes on MSN I shall address the issue.
122 houses, 14 flyers today. Gonna take hours. Hours that will take up planning time for English. Oh well, I dread that anyway. Soooooo, now I shall go finish putting together my flyers, see ya. :D Have a day of pure joy!

četvrtak, studenoga 27, 2003
My book is so very good. You should all read it. But I don't know how it ends cuz my habit of reading the last page of the book first left me a couple years ago (so whether it's really a worthwhile book is yet to be decided). It must have left with the onset of maturity. Hahahaha, I'm so mature guys. ;)
Soooooooooo, I should really have started my English presentation. But I haven't. Oh well, it's gonna be crap no matter how much I prepare so it really all depends on how much time I wish to waste on it. Which at the moment would seem to be none. I think I'll do my chem now though. It deserves finishing since I'm actually capable of doing a good job on it, which is completely NOT the case for issues such as English. I have imagined so many ways of totally ruining my presentation so far. There's the one where I am looking up at people like a good presenter and when I get to Mrs. Roach I get so mad that she made me do such a retarded project that I forget to keep talking and freak out and storm out of the room and probably yell at a few choice people on the way out too. Or maybe just give them a good glare, that might work too. Hmmmmmm...then there's the one where I get so frustrated that I just totally give up and tell everyone to interpret the poem their own way and I go sulk at my desk. And THEN there's the one where I can't deal with the pressure and burst out into tears in front of the class, rush out in a flood of noisy sobs, run home and then finally dissolve into a pitiful puddle of tears at home and refuse to go to school until Capernwray comes around. But my all time favourite is the one where I merely faint cuz I don't have any energy and therefore have a valid excuse for not presenting. Despite the fact that it's highly unlikely that any of these will happen, if I get stressed enough something closely related may occur. The only way to console me would be to tell me that it can't kill me (although sometimes I wonder why that's such a good thing) or that you've bought me a plane ticket to Scotland and have a naturally furnished cave waiting for me in the highlands. Well, I'm finished daydreaming now.
I did something really bad to my toe when I hit it on the stair yesterday. It has a very big dent and it's bruised like crazy. Not to mention that it no longer bends in the same direction as it used to. Toes are so cumbersome, they cause much pain. Alas.
'Keep' guessing on that there song! Enjoy your day. :D

srijeda, studenoga 26, 2003
Just discovered, at the Josh Groban player on the side you can listen to the entire new cd too. Just scroll down in the news box on the top right side and you will come to "LISTEN TO CLOSER - AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE TUES, NOV 11" (actually, it was available November 10th in Canada, those Americans had to wait an extra day :D) and under that it has all the track listings for high speed and dial up and quicktime. Gooooooood stuff. :D Not like it really matters to me cuz I already have the cd, but for all you poor folk that don't have it it's just a bit of a courtesy. You guys, I just had the urge to go read my book. This hasn't happened in months (that would be why it keeps taking me so long to finish the 5 books at a time that I read)!!!!! So, I'm gonna go listen to the radio and read now. Enjoy your day! :D :D :D :D :D

First of all, just because I don't post the second I sign into MSN doesn't mean I'm not going to post!
Hahem, so gj Lo on getting yestadays song, twas indeed 'Someday' by Nickelback. So, new one for today, "....your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone..." Head at it Lo, no one else guesses anymore, but that's okay, this way you get ALL the prizes. ;)
Stupid english presentation. Yay, I did relatively okay on my bio lab. I have a unit exam in chem. next week and it's NOT going to be just dumb diploma exam questions, yay!
Have a good day all y'all. :D

utorak, studenoga 25, 2003
I think my apple tree looks too much like a big non-apple tree. But oh well, I'll pretend it's symbolism, we're looking at the picture through the glass, so the proportions are skewed. Yes, that's it. Well, I'll show it to you all on Friday assuming that Friday is happening and you can judge it for me. The colours will most likely ruin it though. Oh well, it's not like I'll be dispelling anyone's high expectation for my artwork. Benefits of being a bad artist in one knows that you can actually do satisfactory artistic work so they can't expect it from you. Therefore they can't be disappointed and neither can you.
Getting my grad pictures tomorrow, alas, I hate pictures of me; they're always so horrible. But these will not be so bad cuz they're totally fake seeing as my hair is never really done up (except for when Da gets the urge to make it pretty), I never wear make-up (make-up in my brain is just the goop they slather on your face, not eye goop even though that's technically make-up too) and they're going to do touch-ups on the pictures that you actually get. So, I should get a horrible picture of me that's NOT QUITE as horrible as usual.
Well, seeing as I'm not allowed to give you a challenge anymore for song lyrics, I shall replace yesterday's "unknown song" (It was 'Here Without You' by Three Doors Down) with some new and easier lyrics for today. "'re the only one who knows that..." You really should be able to get this one. Simplicity at it's finest.

ponedjeljak, studenoga 24, 2003
There are so many ideas about my presentation floating around in my head right now, it's so great. And that, my friends, is the benefit of walking to and from school; much time to think! Hopefully my poster idea works. :D
Song of several yesterdays ago (I think that was a double something cuz 'yester' and 'ago' sortof mean the same thing, but oh well): I think it was '100 Years' by Five for Fighting although I can't really be sure, my memory is foggy. Now, I'm gonna try once more with the whole lyrics thing but since people don't seem to like guessing anymore it may be that last one. So, here we GO! "....anything I know and anywhere I go..." Guess away, this may just be the last one...forever! :: sob :: This is a sad, sad day for me. *Stef starts sobbing uncontrollably into the pillow that's not really here, once again it is in her imagination* ;) :D
So, I'm gonna go work on my English now...hopefully all goes well and any suggestions you have for me would be much appreciated! Oh, and I cannot forget to express my huge amount of appreciation for those that have helped me so far, the list is far too long for names but thank you all the same! (((hugs))) :D :D
P.S. What say you all to Friday for a partay pour the sledding and the burning? I will send out a mass e-mail once I know the general frame of mind on this matter. :D And day or evening? Cuz I think evening is better with the darkness and all but that IS merely a matter of opinion so please, lend me your thoughts! ;) :D Those of you who got the e-mail from Da about the Christmas thing should reply or you will have a catastrophe on your hands! You have been warned.

nedjelja, studenoga 23, 2003
subota, studenoga 22, 2003
What a jolly old day this has been. Not really. I sat around and read 'The Day of the Triffids' which is a good book but is rather depressing and the only cheerful thing about it is that it takes place in England and I get to go there next year and say, 'that place was in this book I read!' And amaze them all with my knowledge. Except I won't cuz it won't be amazing. So in response I'll sit here on the couch and sip my scotch and ice which is imaginary and get lost in the world of insanity that takes all my troubles away. On that note I shall leave you with these lyrics that I felt like posting for no apparent reason.
The Last Song Lyrics
This may be the last thing that i write for long
Can you hear me smiling when i sing this song, for you and only you
As I leave will you be someone to say good-bye
As I leave will you be someone to wipe your eye
My foot is out the door, and you can't stop me now
You wanted the best, it wasn't me, will you give it back
Now i'll take the lead, when there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive, is this what you want
Is this what you need, how you end up let me know.
As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope, that you will miss me when
I'm gone
This is the last song
The hearts start breaking as the year is gone
The dream's beginning and the time rolls on
It seems so surreal, now I sing it.
Somehow I knew that I would be this way,
Somehow I knew that I would slowly fade.
Now i'm gone, just try and stop me now.

I really need to put up a new song for y'all to guess...and you better guess it this time!!!!!! K, here we are: "....the sun is gettin' high, we're movin' on..." Head at it and GET IT THIS TIME!
K, last night I dreamt about the waterpark and about sledding. Actually, the first one was about sledding and all you sledding people were there and it was great cuz it was. It was totally the best dream ever. Well, besides all those other ones (not besides all those other ones, it was just as good as all those other ones I mean). And then the one about the waterpark was insanely weird. We were planning some conference for who knows what but some kid had gone missing and I was a forensics person AND I was on the planning committee so I was planning and trying to solve the mystery all at the same time. And I discovered a pool in the back that they kept giant fish in, I can't remember what they're called but people go fishing for them a lot and they're HUGE. And they look weird, but neway. I also found out that at the waterpark they drain the wave pool every night into the change rooms and the lower area back there where the tube booth is so that to get in and out you have to wade through waste deep water which really doesn't make sense cuz it would be much deeper than that. But it WAS just a dream so I guess that would account for things. It really reminded me of that part in NOLF where you're in the sinking ship and there's that electrical thinger that you have to get past but the water is all waist deep and you have to jump and climb and stuff to get out. Yeh, it was exciting but not nearly as good as the sledding one. Hey, whoa, these are the first dreams in like 3 years that I haven't been running away from Nazis or some other random 'bad' people. Excellent, no more running away from things.
Well, have a fantabulously splendiferous day and we really need to get cracking on this sledding/bonfire evening cuz I'm really wanting to go now due to my dream and waiting much longer is just gonna kill me...or not...but it will definitely kill me on the inside! Wow, that was sappy, I won't say that anymore. See yas all! :D :D
P.S. I have been noticing the lack of shoutouts and guestbook comments from everyone except for Lo and despite the fact that you probably have good reasons such as nothing to say, I am very disappointed in you. :: sniff :: ;) Good bye!

petak, studenoga 21, 2003
Dananananananana, I have nothing to say. So you've come to read my boring thoughts for some reason and today I don't even have boring thoughts! No thoughts at all except I really don't wanna do my flyers today. Oh well, I shall do them and then have a joyous rest of the day. :D
You know, I really do look like Robin Hood in that picture where I'm standing in the tree with my hand on my waist and all like, Robin Hoodily posed. All I need is a bow-and-arrow and I'd be the spittin' image! Well, besides the fact that according to most people Robin Hood is a guy and I just happen to be a girl. Meh, I'm manly enough to be Robin Hood, cuz Robin is more likely a girl's name than a guy's name anyway. Well, see how pointless my thoughts are today? I most coitanly do. I mean, even more pointless than usual so the cold must've killed off some more brain cells. Not to mention the running into the door...that may have killed several to.
Wow, that Developmental Biology textbook of Christie's is really interesting. I think that's supposed to be a picture of a fetus but it looks more like dinosaur. Of course, we don't REALLY know what dinosaurs look like besides their bone structures. And who knows how fat they were or what their occupations were or even what their addresses were from their bones? I mean, some of the hairdressers and such would have noticeable grooves in their teeth but other than that it'd be really hard to tell.
Have you ever wondered if things come alive when you're not looking? Like in Toy Story. What if things REALLY do that? I mean, it's biologically impossible but as the fairy godmother in Cinderella (not the cartoon version) would say, "Impossible...things are happening every day!" Cuz I mean, whoa, wouldn't that be crazy??
Well yeah, that's all the ramblous things that I will bother you with today cuz I'm sure your bored out of your mind by now. See ya! :D

četvrtak, studenoga 20, 2003
Well, apparently no one's gonna tell me what song those lyrics are from which is absolutely inexcuseable, but anyway, it was from "God Put A Smile On Your Face' by Coldplay.
Yay, it's Thursday and for once I DON'T HAVE CHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!!!!!!!! AND, I have no homework. Unless I feel like working on my english, but I don't think so. Stupid 40 minute presentations.
I froze on my trip home today, it was all windy and the snow covered up my path from yesterday cuz the wind drifted it. It's actually easier to walk in fresh un-trekked upon snow than already made not perfectly hard paths of snow anyway.
There's something wrong with the tv, it keeps changing to wide-screen about 2 minutes after you turn it on. Makes things all stretchy and wierd, it's crezeh. CREZEH!!!!!
Ok, on the 'Return of the King' soundtrack there's a song featuring Billy Boyd (go go Scottish man!)! Maybe he's going to play the nose-flute! It's a very difficult instrument to master. ;) There's also one featuring Viggo Mortenson, dunno what he's gonna do but I guess we'll see! (November 25th is when the soundtrack comes out.)
Well, see yas all lata!!!!! :D

srijeda, studenoga 19, 2003
So, I think that today I've gotten my fill of exercise. I walked to the bank from school, walked home from the bank (those two took 50 minutes altogether), did my flyers for an hour and then shoveled the driveway for 26 minutes. Everything took so much longer than usual cuz of the foot or more of snow outside, blargles. My pants were frozen solid by the end of that, they kept hitting my ankles with their iciness and it HURT! So now my pants are slowly melting, my shoes are soaked, my socks are soaked and everything is making me frozen solid, not to mention the inch of snow on top of my head that is melting at a rapid pace. And then the basement is freezing all the time anyway, so that doesn't help but I need more energy to take off my wet socks and put on my housecoat. Oh well, shivering is fun. :D Still waiting on that song folks. Unless someone answered it today already, I haven't checked yet. I will NOT make the mistake of accusing you guys that you don't know it this time, I learned the error of my ways last time when I got a thorough...tongue lashing (you can say that right?) from some people who were not too keen on my observations. Well, enjoy your day everybody! :D :D

utorak, studenoga 18, 2003
Check out the Groban banner at the side. You can listen to the ENTIRE first (self-titled one) cd if you click on it. If you haven't heard his cds before I'd go for listening to "To Where You Are" (number 5), "You're Still You" (number 3) or "Canto Alla Vita" (number 7) just because they're awesome. Actually, the whole cd is awesome but I'll leave that decision up to you. :) The track listing is near the top of the window that pops up! :D I'm having a hard time deciding if his self-titled cd or 'Closer' is better. I'm thinking maybe 'Closer' cuz the songs are more original, but they're both so wonderful! Oh well, I shall just leave it at that and enjoy both of my cds with awe. Love his music guys, just love it. :) Mmmmmmmmm, lovely.
P.S. There are videos (music and non-music ones) when you click on the Groban banner too. :D

What's with this? I have NOTHING to say! Well, not really nothing, just nothing of interest. Except maybe that I've been thinking about this 'silent' movie project and it's sounding excellent. Especially if we put Josh Groban music in the background, cuz silent movies always had their little orcestras for the score, right? Yeh, so now all we need is a camera. Maybe I can get a digital camera NOW, since dad says he'll probably get me one for going to England anyway. Hmmm, he probably won't allow that, alas.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOORSOME SONG!!!!! (The more o's there are, the better the song so technically the o's should be never-ending.)
Remember When It Rained Lyrics
by Josh Groban
Wash away the thoughts inside
That keep my mind away from you.
No more love and no more pride
And thoughts are all I have to do.
Remember when it rained.
Felt the ground and looked up high
And called your name.
Remember when it rained.
In the darkness I remain.
Tears of hope run down my skin.
Tears for you that will not dry.
They magnify the one within
And let the outside slowly die.
Remember when it rained.
I felt the ground and looked up high
And called your name.
Remember when it rained.
In the water I remain
Running down

ponedjeljak, studenoga 17, 2003
K, I think I've already done this one before, but it's what I'm listening to right now so here are some lyrics for all ya'll (gj Lu for getting the last one :)): "...I've gotta say I wasted all your time..." This one is so easy, if no one gets it I shall have to graffiti everyone's lockers. ;) :D You ain't seen NOTHIN' yet.
K, I have not much to say except I can't believe I worked on my bio lab for 7 hours yesterday. And yes, I was actually working that whole time. It was quite suprising really, but the communisn of it all, man that's good stuff.
And then today I have to find out how horribly I failed my chem. exam. The stuff we're learning is so EASY, but he keeps giving us super hard questions that he never gave example of in class! Grrrrrrrrrrr
Anyway, shall see yas. Have a smashingly fantabulous day! :D

subota, studenoga 15, 2003
K, inside jokes from MSN are not amusing to me when I was not included in them. Thank you and good night.
Oh wait, new song, let's see. All I can think of right now is JOSH GROBAN and his incredible beauty (his voice is lovely and he has a curly mop of hair, what beats that? I would say not much at all. If he was Scottish you could bet I'd be stalking him by now. JK!!!!! I don't stalk people.) Love all ye. See yas. :D

petak, studenoga 14, 2003
Are you guys seriously telling me that you don't know which song those lyrics are from??? K, one more day and then I'll tell you.
I cannot BELIEVE I got a good mark on my english essay! I made up a new topic like 5 minutes before we had to write it! And my conclusion was kindof outlandish...I think Mrs. Roach said it was 'interesting' and I totally don't believe it, but hey, apparently all my big words were helpful. And now we have to do this retarded 40 minute presentation on poetry! HELLO!!! I don't even understand half of my poem and it's about apples! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... I really want to know how she picked who got which essay, it would be nice to know WHY I have to do one about someone who's sick and tired of picking apples. [I now understand the poem at the highest possible level that I can sadly enough. Metaphors, how lovely.]
It's FRIDAY!!!! Yay! I get to catch up on my sleep tomorrow! And I don't have to do any homework tonight! Not like I have anything else to do, but I'm sure I can find a very efficient way to waste my time. Well, see yas all. :D

četvrtak, studenoga 13, 2003
srijeda, studenoga 12, 2003
Gj Lo! You have accomplished the possible and have guessed the correct song for the last lyric thinger. For a new one: "...feeling so faithless, lost under the surface..."
Lu, is it one of these? "Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet" or "What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion?" I found I know where the story of Jepthah is too, what things I find on these research missions.
Yesterday we ran over a dead deer, it was already dead (we didn't kill it thank goodness), it was bumpy. Never look at the eyes of something dead. There's a little dried up splotch of blood on our driveway now, I didn't even know the deer was bleeding. Apparently it was, and apparently there was some deer left on the bottom of the car. *shudder shudder* I suggested stopping somewhere so someone could go drag it off the road. So we stopped at the gas station in Bashaw and up drives an RCMP car, so we told the dude (quite lovely dude too ;)) that there was a deer and he said he just took it off the road, so he musta been less than a minute behind us, crazy. They had fireworks for sale at that gas station. And then we listened to Colplay the rest of the way home, I sang along loudly and it was good fun. I'm having second thoughts about being a Paramedic too, and I said that to Christie BEFORE we saw dead things on the road. But I now have no idea what I want to do now. Any suggestions? I really gotta figure this out. Christie said I should get really good at extreme sports (rock climbing, white-water rafting, etc.) so I can be a teacher for them, that'd be really fun but I want to figure out for sure before I start getting all good at it and stuff. Although I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get good at them anyway. Actually, it would be joyous. Let's go white-water rafting next year!!!!! Ooooh, yeh! So yeah, I'm not really good at anything but if you've noticed that I have 'skills' that would be good for certain jobs to do after high school, please inform me, it'd be lovely. :)
Well, see yas all. Have a super awesome day! :D

utorak, studenoga 11, 2003
Much better:
Last Updated: Monday, 10 November, 2003, 13:32 GMT
EU in kilt climb-down
Hollywood film star Vin Diesel is a fan of the kilt
Officials from Europe have backed down over a decision to classify the kilt as "womenswear" on official forms.
The questionnaires, sent to Scottish firms by EU statistical agency Eurostat, did not allow kiltmakers to register the national dress as men's clothing.
Instead, they were told to fill in how many kilts they had sold in the space provided for women's skirts.
Leading kiltmaker Patrick McGroarty, director of Caledonian Highland Dress Manufacturers in Perthshire, was even warned he faced a hefty fine if he failed to fill in the form.
But following talks between the EU, the Scottish Executive and the UK Office of National Statistics - which sent out the forms on Eurostat's behalf - the form is to be amended to allow the kilt to be classified as menswear.
Mr McGroarty said he was delighted the mix-up had finally been rectified.
He said: "I'm delighted they've backed down because this has been going on for a month.
"I had no problem at all with answering the questions, but I didn't like the way they asked them.
"Why ask a question when there's nowhere to put the correct answer?"
It is obvious the kilt is an important symbol of our history and our future
Jack McConnell
First Minister Jack McConnell stepped into the row and ordered executive officials in Brussels to clarify the matter with EU bosses.
The Office of National Statistics also got involved and Eurostat agreed to send out the amended forms.
Among those famous for wearing the kilt are Hollywood stars Ewan McGregor [he ROCKS, rockin' Scottish man, oh yeeeeeh], Sir Sean Connery and Samuel L Jackson.
The kilt's macho image was further enhanced at last week's MTV Europe Music Awards in Leith when Vin Diesel donned a trendy black leather version of Scotland's national dress.
Mr McConnell said that also showed how vital the kilt was to promoting Scotland abroad.
He said: "This was a nonsense, but I'm delighted we've managed to change the forms.
"Following our successful promotion of Scotland over recent weeks it's obvious the kilt is an important symbol of our history and our future.
"The design and the production of kilts is important for Scotland and its image."

Well, I'm going on a road-trip today avec Christie. Mhm, driving for 5 hours in one day, going to Three Hills to visit Jon (who's incredibly sick, probly with the flu meaning I'll probably catch it soon too), and doing homework ALL DAY cuz I have nothing else to do. What joy! Oh well, at least this way I HAVE to do homework cuz I won't be able to find nethin else to do. I'm sure it will be fun too, I mean, driving with music and singing along at the top of my lungs, that is quality time wasting I'd say. So, all y'all have a good day, k? I have a headache and all the other pains I've mentioned so I must sleep to see if I can fix something at least a bit. Luv yas all! ((hugs)) :)
P.S. Don't forget about yesterdays lyrics! :D

ponedjeljak, studenoga 10, 2003
It's a KILT not a SKIRT!!!! Jeeps!
NEWS 10.11.2003
Jings, crivins the kilt's naw a skirt!
Are you man enough to wear a kilt? Well if the bureaucrats in Brussels had their way, almost certainly not. After centuries of tradition Scotland's national dress was on the verge of being re-classifed as "womenswear".
A symbol of Scottish culture the world over. Embraced by ordinary Scots and the more celebrated members of society.
Sir Sean Connery, possibly Scotlands most famous export is rarely seen without his, and only this week an estimated one billion people saw action film star Vin Diesel not only ruin the country's unofficial national anthem, but also don the native dress.
But in a baffling piece of European legislation the kilt was re-classified as womenswear. EU statistical agency Eurostat would only allow kilt makers to register the national dress as womens clothing and even threatened fines for those who didn't.
The kilt has become a highly desired fashion item, but news that the EU have backed down from their position has been welcomed.
Womenswear? We don't think so, at least thankfully the rest of Europe now knows what we Scots have known for generations, that this is one very manly piece of attire.

Wow, I think that's the first time I've missed a day of postage. Crazy, eh?
Lyrics: " stole my world, now I'm just a phony..." :D
Guy is looking all lost and forlorn sitting all by his lonesome...someone moved him by the door so now he greets or waves to everyone that comes or goes. He really needs some nice warm bonfire for company methinks.
I can now officially play 'The Scientist' on the piano. I still need to work on the tempo a bit, but considering that I've only played it twice and the first time was yesterday during my "break" from bio and chem I think I'm doing ok.
There are bruises on my ankle and knee (I didn't even HIT them, it's just because they bent in the wrong direction) from my lovely faceplant yesterday (actually, more from the stepping in a big drift of snow, jamming my leg and twisting it in horribly ways that it should not go), I'm surprised my face isn't damaged more than it is. My leg no longer bends in the direction it should and hitting the snow with my head at breakneck speeds (yes, I was running that fast ;)) didn't even pop my jaw back into place. How dastardly this all is. But hey, now I'm a gimp so I can rejoice. Mmmmmmmm, I love sledding. :D
Well, I just smelled some foam and I think my nose was frozen or something last night cuz it's smelling like ammonia now. Which is not in the least bit pleasant. Perhaps it needs to sit around for a year or so, then maybe it will smell wondrously foam. Well, I shall see yas all, have a joyously wonderful day! :)

subota, studenoga 08, 2003
So, gj Lu (you really need to decide whether it's Lu or Lou) for getting that last song, tis a good song that you should ALL know. For a new song, let's see: "You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!" (and you know you are ;)) I know at least two of you should know this song so I guess it's a race! Race away! I bet I know who'll win, but I won't say anything to save myself from being the object of anger from controversy. :D
Oh, and we finally got a DVD player, now dad's watching XXX, perhaps I shall sneak a peek at that too.
P.S. Please let me know if you're coming tomorrow, come at 6 if you are. :)
This is how I feel all the time, teachers should never ever ask me questions, it only causes disaster. People want to know why I have low self confidence...loook at the poem, it kinda tells all...and that's why I don't say things. It never comes out right and I just end up embarassing myself.
I opened my mouth
without meaning to say
just anything that came to mind,
but the words came out
that I didn't know
were even there.
They blurted out
as if they were spat
and they floated in front
of my eyes,
and I wished that I could
have swallowed them back,
or snatched them away,
but it was too late.
So I blushed and I stood
there in spite of myself
wanting to run away,
but I couldn't so
I just stood there
as if I'd not said anything
at all.
Cindy Jernee

petak, studenoga 07, 2003
Well, right now I'm joyously sitting in front of a beautiful iMac at the uni. They have really good computers here, I'll get me one of these high-tech ones one of these days.
I went to Tim Horton's for lunch, I had chicken stew in a bread bowl with a sour cream glazed donut and WAY TO STRONG hot chocolate. They should really dilute it a bit there, I actually did some of my own dilution (when it got too strong to even drink) with the water from my water bottle. It was about 1/4 hot chocolate and 3/4 water and by then the flavour was pretty much perfect despite the whole apparatus being slightly on the too cold side of things.
Ok, best thing EVER. I went to TravelCuts and a round-trip ticket to England should be around $749 next year in September (which is not peak time, excellent)! Which means that it'll be about $900 after taxes which means that TWO tickets will be around $1800! Instead of almost $3000! Isn't that, like, the steal of the century?! I certainly think so! I mean, now I'll have more money to buy stuff...from England...and Scotland! Not to mention all the film I'm gonna need for my camera, that could take a big chunk of my moola. But yeah, I find pure joy emanating from TravelCuts and YEEHAW, they'll have the actual prices by January or February. :D
Well, keep working on them lyrics from yesterday! See y'all. Hope you're having a fun-filled and school-free day! ;) And please reply to me about the bonfire thing! PLEEEEEEEEEASE! :: cough cough :: The patience is returning to me..........................................................................................................ok, now we're good. :)

četvrtak, studenoga 06, 2003
Is 8 out of 10 good enough to meet your high demanding standards Lu? I hope so cuz you sounded pretty threatening there, I'm kindof fearing for my life now. :O Just be glad I didn't poison you or anything. ;) Or did I? Muahahahahahahahaha!!
So, I'm looking forward to this 5 day weekend we have coming up here...especially the sledding and bonfiring that will hopefully be involved. We gotta either empty my firepit of frozen compost or go to Centennial Park cuz they have a huge firepit there, right by the picnic shelter. Please voice your thoughts on this matter cuz we will need some extra planning for it and I don't just wanna say 'we're doing this' and then we do that cuz we need some TEAMWORK here! Mom did get sparklers for us though! :D
And then tomorrow I'm going to the UofA with Christie to check out them special student prices for travel that they have at the TravelCuts place. Good stuff! :D I most certainly hope it's cheaper than what I've seen so far.
Lyrics for all y'all...perhaps I shall make this one slightle harder? Well, let's see..."... so let's go there, let's make our escape..." This one's actually pretty easy but we'll see if you can think that far back (that was a subtle hint that is no longer so subtle since I just pointed it out). Have fun! :D

srijeda, studenoga 05, 2003
I just made Scottish Shortbread...I hope it isn't disgusting. :S
Upon the confirmation that I'm not ALWAYS ignored (thank you Lo and Lu, much appreciated), I shall continue on with the lyrics. Today's shall be "...don't forget the rest of us...". Sorry, that probably isn't so easy, but I think you can get it if you think hard. ;)

utorak, studenoga 04, 2003
Not much to say today except for CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have to do the outline for my World Lit. Paper and I have pretty much no clue as to what I should do it on. Well, perhaps my 'thinking of a new topic 5 minutes before it's do' method will work again as I hope it did on Monday. Stupid English.
I'm now giving up on the song lyrics thing cuz no one answers them anymore. The last one was "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence. You guys really should have known that, after all, they do 'play it on the radio way too much'. But, perhaps we have gone back to the days when I am always ignored. Oh well, at least when I'm ignored no one sees/hears the idiot I make of myself. Luv y'alls. :D

ponedjeljak, studenoga 03, 2003
Did you know that Capernwray is a quarry (underwater quarry apparently) in Lancashire? They claim to be 'the best diving spot in the UK' AND it says it's an underwater theme park. Isn't that the coolest EVER?? Ok, wait, Capernwray is actually a teeny little village near the quarry and Capernwray Hall is a little ways east of the village which is approximately 4 km from Carnforth. So, Capernwray Hall is about 3 miles (how many kilometers is that)from Carnforth so if I have to walk it'll only take about half-an-hour through the countryside. Lovely :: sigh ::, I can't wait. K, I've got a question...what is VAT? Is it some sort of tax or something?

nedjelja, studenoga 02, 2003
I have a horrible cold. There is something in my head that is attempting to squish my brain out through my eye sockets and that can prove rather painful. My eyes hurt when I move them anywhere besides the direct centre. My nose is plugged but painfully dry and my throat is sore. And I have to go deliver my flyers now. Well, I can see the joy in this day most certainly. Actually, I can...I don't have school, I am the only one home and can therefore blast music into my diseased ears as loud as I want. No one can come and tell me to stop singing so loud and no one's going to come disrupt my day by turning on the horrid tv. AND, my cold has yet to give me an ear infection!!!!! Yay!!!!! I haven't had an ear infection-less cold for like 3 years! Ah, what joy this day brings me. The small things in life really are what bring me joy. Oh, and it's been a while, so here are some more lyrics for all y'all...going to be so easy, but meh. "...your spirit's sleeping somewhere cold..."

subota, studenoga 01, 2003
Hmmm, it feels strangley like some wee hour of the morning. Could it be because I just slept for almost 4 hours? Yes, I think that might just be it. Now I have to finish my English essay planning which I must say I am dreading quite passionately. I think I've got it figured out, the topic may just be slightly...dumb. But oh well, Mrs. Roach seemed to think that it (at least one aspect of it) was worthy of question about a gazillion times, so it can't be too bad. I just need to find evidence in support of my opinion which will most likely take another 2 readings of Hamlet just to find. Alas, why does my brain have to function only in biology mode? That makes me quite distraught in the grand ol' scheme of things, it means I have to actually work more often than not. Really quite distressing if you ask me. I would type up the introductory paragraph that I already have written out on my blog to see what you guys think, but I really don't feel like demonstrating my inferior essay writing skills to all you essay writing geniuses out there. Besides, you'd most likely all disagree with with my opinion, so I'll save it for Mrs. Roach, that way only one person will have to be tortured to death in an attempt to make sense of what I'm trying to put in words. I seem to have a lack in the ability to put things into words, be they written word or spoken word. I think I gravitate toward the wirtten side of things's much easier to say what you feel in words than have to actually speak it, in which case people can hear and see your expressions. And you have to be 'there' when people disagree with you or prove you wrong...when you're wrong in a paper someone writes why you're wrong on it and that's the end of it. Dissaproval seems to be something I cannot handle...which is why I can never say no. Oh well, I best be going to slave away at that horrible English now, have a nice day! :)
Is it possible to drown in your own tears? Not like I'm planning on doing so, but it would be an interesting useless fact to store away in my head.

Please give me some sleep.
Found this at a Scotland site thinger...thought it was quite hilarious. Although I have heard only Scottish people are allowed to 'make-fun' of bag-pipes. But technically I'm not making fun of bagpipes cuz I like them as long as the person playing them actually knows how to play and I didn't write this, so please enjoy. :D
"There are many theories about the bagpipes, otherwise known as the missing link between music and noise. Some say they were invented by a Scot who trod on his cat and liked the noise. Others claim that they are based on the noise made by a dying octopus. Either way you either loathe or love them."