So, gj Lu (you really need to decide whether it's Lu or Lou) for getting that last song, tis a good song that you should ALL know. For a new song, let's see: "You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!" (and you know you are ;)) I know at least two of you should know this song so I guess it's a race! Race away! I bet I know who'll win, but I won't say anything to save myself from being the object of anger from controversy. :D
Oh, and we finally got a DVD player, now dad's watching XXX, perhaps I shall sneak a peek at that too.
P.S. Please let me know if you're coming tomorrow, come at 6 if you are. :)
This is how I feel all the time, teachers should never ever ask me questions, it only causes disaster. People want to know why I have low self confidence...loook at the poem, it kinda tells all...and that's why I don't say things. It never comes out right and I just end up embarassing myself.
I opened my mouth
without meaning to say
just anything that came to mind,
but the words came out
that I didn't know
were even there.
They blurted out
as if they were spat
and they floated in front
of my eyes,
and I wished that I could
have swallowed them back,
or snatched them away,
but it was too late.
So I blushed and I stood
there in spite of myself
wanting to run away,
but I couldn't so
I just stood there
as if I'd not said anything
at all.
Cindy Jernee

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