Well, right now I'm joyously sitting in front of a beautiful iMac at the uni. They have really good computers here, I'll get me one of these high-tech ones one of these days.
I went to Tim Horton's for lunch, I had chicken stew in a bread bowl with a sour cream glazed donut and WAY TO STRONG hot chocolate. They should really dilute it a bit there, I actually did some of my own dilution (when it got too strong to even drink) with the water from my water bottle. It was about 1/4 hot chocolate and 3/4 water and by then the flavour was pretty much perfect despite the whole apparatus being slightly on the too cold side of things.
Ok, best thing EVER. I went to TravelCuts and a round-trip ticket to England should be around $749 next year in September (which is not peak time, excellent)! Which means that it'll be about $900 after taxes which means that TWO tickets will be around $1800! Instead of almost $3000! Isn't that, like, the steal of the century?! I certainly think so! I mean, now I'll have more money to buy stuff...from England...and Scotland! Not to mention all the film I'm gonna need for my camera, that could take a big chunk of my moola. But yeah, I find pure joy emanating from TravelCuts and YEEHAW, they'll have the actual prices by January or February. :D
Well, keep working on them lyrics from yesterday! See y'all. Hope you're having a fun-filled and school-free day! ;) And please reply to me about the bonfire thing! PLEEEEEEEEEASE! :: cough cough :: The patience is returning to me..........................................................................................................ok, now we're good. :)

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