I think my apple tree looks too much like a big non-apple tree. But oh well, I'll pretend it's symbolism, we're looking at the picture through the glass, so the proportions are skewed. Yes, that's it. Well, I'll show it to you all on Friday assuming that Friday is happening and you can judge it for me. The colours will most likely ruin it though. Oh well, it's not like I'll be dispelling anyone's high expectation for my artwork. Benefits of being a bad artist in public...no one knows that you can actually do satisfactory artistic work so they can't expect it from you. Therefore they can't be disappointed and neither can you.
Getting my grad pictures tomorrow, alas, I hate pictures of me; they're always so horrible. But these will not be so bad cuz they're totally fake seeing as my hair is never really done up (except for when Da gets the urge to make it pretty), I never wear make-up (make-up in my brain is just the goop they slather on your face, not eye goop even though that's technically make-up too) and they're going to do touch-ups on the pictures that you actually get. So, I should get a horrible picture of me that's NOT QUITE as horrible as usual.
Well, seeing as I'm not allowed to give you a challenge anymore for song lyrics, I shall replace yesterday's "unknown song" (It was 'Here Without You' by Three Doors Down) with some new and easier lyrics for today. "....you're the only one who knows that..." You really should be able to get this one. Simplicity at it's finest.

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