Gj Lo! You have accomplished the possible and have guessed the correct song for the last lyric thinger. For a new one: "...feeling so faithless, lost under the surface..."
Lu, is it one of these? "Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet" or "What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion?" I found them...now I know where the story of Jepthah is too, what things I find on these research missions.
Yesterday we ran over a dead deer, it was already dead (we didn't kill it thank goodness), it was bumpy. Never look at the eyes of something dead. There's a little dried up splotch of blood on our driveway now, I didn't even know the deer was bleeding. Apparently it was, and apparently there was some deer left on the bottom of the car. *shudder shudder* I suggested stopping somewhere so someone could go drag it off the road. So we stopped at the gas station in Bashaw and up drives an RCMP car, so we told the dude (quite lovely dude too ;)) that there was a deer and he said he just took it off the road, so he musta been less than a minute behind us, crazy. They had fireworks for sale at that gas station. And then we listened to Colplay the rest of the way home, I sang along loudly and it was good fun. I'm having second thoughts about being a Paramedic too, and I said that to Christie BEFORE we saw dead things on the road. But I now have no idea what I want to do now. Any suggestions? I really gotta figure this out. Christie said I should get really good at extreme sports (rock climbing, white-water rafting, etc.) so I can be a teacher for them, that'd be really fun but I want to figure out for sure before I start getting all good at it and stuff. Although I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get good at them anyway. Actually, it would be joyous. Let's go white-water rafting next year!!!!! Ooooh, yeh! So yeah, I'm not really good at anything but if you've noticed that I have 'skills' that would be good for certain jobs to do after high school, please inform me, it'd be lovely. :)
Well, see yas all. Have a super awesome day! :D

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