Hmmm, it feels strangley like some wee hour of the morning. Could it be because I just slept for almost 4 hours? Yes, I think that might just be it. Now I have to finish my English essay planning which I must say I am dreading quite passionately. I think I've got it figured out, the topic may just be slightly...dumb. But oh well, Mrs. Roach seemed to think that it (at least one aspect of it) was worthy of question about a gazillion times, so it can't be too bad. I just need to find evidence in support of my opinion which will most likely take another 2 readings of Hamlet just to find. Alas, why does my brain have to function only in biology mode? That makes me quite distraught in the grand ol' scheme of things, it means I have to actually work more often than not. Really quite distressing if you ask me. I would type up the introductory paragraph that I already have written out on my blog to see what you guys think, but I really don't feel like demonstrating my inferior essay writing skills to all you essay writing geniuses out there. Besides, you'd most likely all disagree with with my opinion, so I'll save it for Mrs. Roach, that way only one person will have to be tortured to death in an attempt to make sense of what I'm trying to put in words. I seem to have a lack in the ability to put things into words, be they written word or spoken word. I think I gravitate toward the wirtten side of things's much easier to say what you feel in words than have to actually speak it, in which case people can hear and see your expressions. And you have to be 'there' when people disagree with you or prove you wrong...when you're wrong in a paper someone writes why you're wrong on it and that's the end of it. Dissaproval seems to be something I cannot handle...which is why I can never say no. Oh well, I best be going to slave away at that horrible English now, have a nice day! :)
Is it possible to drown in your own tears? Not like I'm planning on doing so, but it would be an interesting useless fact to store away in my head.

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