I have a horrible cold. There is something in my head that is attempting to squish my brain out through my eye sockets and that can prove rather painful. My eyes hurt when I move them anywhere besides the direct centre. My nose is plugged but painfully dry and my throat is sore. And I have to go deliver my flyers now. Well, I can see the joy in this day most certainly. Actually, I can...I don't have school, I am the only one home and can therefore blast music into my diseased ears as loud as I want. No one can come and tell me to stop singing so loud and no one's going to come disrupt my day by turning on the horrid tv. AND, my cold has yet to give me an ear infection!!!!! Yay!!!!! I haven't had an ear infection-less cold for like 3 years! Ah, what joy this day brings me. The small things in life really are what bring me joy. Oh, and it's been a while, so here are some more lyrics for all y'all...going to be so easy, but meh. "...your spirit's sleeping somewhere cold..."

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