Just discovered, at the Josh Groban player on the side you can listen to the entire new cd too. Just scroll down in the news box on the top right side and you will come to "LISTEN TO CLOSER - AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE TUES, NOV 11" (actually, it was available November 10th in Canada, those Americans had to wait an extra day :D) and under that it has all the track listings for high speed and dial up and quicktime. Gooooooood stuff. :D Not like it really matters to me cuz I already have the cd, but for all you poor folk that don't have it it's just a bit of a courtesy. You guys, I just had the urge to go read my book. This hasn't happened in months (that would be why it keeps taking me so long to finish the 5 books at a time that I read)!!!!! So, I'm gonna go listen to the radio and read now. Enjoy your day! :D :D :D :D :D

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