My book is so very good. You should all read it. But I don't know how it ends cuz my habit of reading the last page of the book first left me a couple years ago (so whether it's really a worthwhile book is yet to be decided). It must have left with the onset of maturity. Hahahaha, I'm so mature guys. ;)
Soooooooooo, I should really have started my English presentation. But I haven't. Oh well, it's gonna be crap no matter how much I prepare so it really all depends on how much time I wish to waste on it. Which at the moment would seem to be none. I think I'll do my chem now though. It deserves finishing since I'm actually capable of doing a good job on it, which is completely NOT the case for issues such as English. I have imagined so many ways of totally ruining my presentation so far. There's the one where I am looking up at people like a good presenter and when I get to Mrs. Roach I get so mad that she made me do such a retarded project that I forget to keep talking and freak out and storm out of the room and probably yell at a few choice people on the way out too. Or maybe just give them a good glare, that might work too. Hmmmmmm...then there's the one where I get so frustrated that I just totally give up and tell everyone to interpret the poem their own way and I go sulk at my desk. And THEN there's the one where I can't deal with the pressure and burst out into tears in front of the class, rush out in a flood of noisy sobs, run home and then finally dissolve into a pitiful puddle of tears at home and refuse to go to school until Capernwray comes around. But my all time favourite is the one where I merely faint cuz I don't have any energy and therefore have a valid excuse for not presenting. Despite the fact that it's highly unlikely that any of these will happen, if I get stressed enough something closely related may occur. The only way to console me would be to tell me that it can't kill me (although sometimes I wonder why that's such a good thing) or that you've bought me a plane ticket to Scotland and have a naturally furnished cave waiting for me in the highlands. Well, I'm finished daydreaming now.
I did something really bad to my toe when I hit it on the stair yesterday. It has a very big dent and it's bruised like crazy. Not to mention that it no longer bends in the same direction as it used to. Toes are so cumbersome, they cause much pain. Alas.
'Keep' guessing on that there song! Enjoy your day. :D

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