K, I think I've already done this one before, but it's what I'm listening to right now so here are some lyrics for all ya'll (gj Lu for getting the last one :)): "...I've gotta say I wasted all your time..." This one is so easy, if no one gets it I shall have to graffiti everyone's lockers. ;) :D You ain't seen NOTHIN' yet.
K, I have not much to say except I can't believe I worked on my bio lab for 7 hours yesterday. And yes, I was actually working that whole time. It was quite suprising really, but the communisn of it all, man that's good stuff.
And then today I have to find out how horribly I failed my chem. exam. The stuff we're learning is so EASY, but he keeps giving us super hard questions that he never gave example of in class! Grrrrrrrrrrr
Anyway, shall see yas. Have a smashingly fantabulous day! :D

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