I bought 3 Christmas presents yesterday (I wrapped them last night and then finished my book, so I got to bed at a little after 3am, good times), so now I only have 8 left to buy. Dangit, I thought it was only 7. Oh well, just means I somehow need to get MORE MONEY!!!! Ha, like that's gonna happen.
And so far I have 4 and a half minutes for my English presentation. Which means I need another 35 and a half minutes to get 40 minutes. Ha, Mrs. Roach is really dreamin' if she thinks I can ramble on in front of people for that long. Hopefully 10 minutes will suffice. And then World Lit., is there a rough draft due soon or something? Cuz I haven't started and if a rough draft is due on Monday I think I'll have to inform Mrs. Roach that I was too busy working on my piece o' crap presentation to even start on World Lit. IB is the most retarded thing anyone has ever come up with, I think whoever invented it should DIE (unless they're already dead) and take their dumb program with them. Burn it to high heaven I say. Burn it and rid us of this stupidity. Cuz just everyone is gonna be able to speak for 40 minutes! Do they have a BRAIN or was it somehow sucked out over the course of their lives? I have anger, deep anger at these people. And it's all my fault for taking IB. All I have to say is Im the dumbest dumb@$$ of them all. Something deserves to die right now. Preferably something that's already dead, which doesn't work because you can't kill something that's already dead. Oh well, the stress will eat away at me and perhaps it shall be so strong that I will spontaneously combust.
So, um, that last song was 'My Immortal' by Evanescence. GJ everyone for guessing correctly. *note the sarcasm* And, I'm gonna make this one really easy cause I can't think of anything else to do. "Shut up, just shut up, shut up" Enjoy, have a good day, kill me now before the presentation. Or just give me some semi-deadly virus that I can fight off but that will keep me bedridden at least until Tuesday evening. Thank you and goodnight. :)

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