Wow, I think that's the first time I've missed a day of postage. Crazy, eh?
Lyrics: " stole my world, now I'm just a phony..." :D
Guy is looking all lost and forlorn sitting all by his lonesome...someone moved him by the door so now he greets or waves to everyone that comes or goes. He really needs some nice warm bonfire for company methinks.
I can now officially play 'The Scientist' on the piano. I still need to work on the tempo a bit, but considering that I've only played it twice and the first time was yesterday during my "break" from bio and chem I think I'm doing ok.
There are bruises on my ankle and knee (I didn't even HIT them, it's just because they bent in the wrong direction) from my lovely faceplant yesterday (actually, more from the stepping in a big drift of snow, jamming my leg and twisting it in horribly ways that it should not go), I'm surprised my face isn't damaged more than it is. My leg no longer bends in the direction it should and hitting the snow with my head at breakneck speeds (yes, I was running that fast ;)) didn't even pop my jaw back into place. How dastardly this all is. But hey, now I'm a gimp so I can rejoice. Mmmmmmmm, I love sledding. :D
Well, I just smelled some foam and I think my nose was frozen or something last night cuz it's smelling like ammonia now. Which is not in the least bit pleasant. Perhaps it needs to sit around for a year or so, then maybe it will smell wondrously foam. Well, I shall see yas all, have a joyously wonderful day! :)

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