It's a KILT not a SKIRT!!!! Jeeps!
NEWS 10.11.2003
Jings, crivins the kilt's naw a skirt!
Are you man enough to wear a kilt? Well if the bureaucrats in Brussels had their way, almost certainly not. After centuries of tradition Scotland's national dress was on the verge of being re-classifed as "womenswear".
A symbol of Scottish culture the world over. Embraced by ordinary Scots and the more celebrated members of society.
Sir Sean Connery, possibly Scotlands most famous export is rarely seen without his, and only this week an estimated one billion people saw action film star Vin Diesel not only ruin the country's unofficial national anthem, but also don the native dress.
But in a baffling piece of European legislation the kilt was re-classified as womenswear. EU statistical agency Eurostat would only allow kilt makers to register the national dress as womens clothing and even threatened fines for those who didn't.
The kilt has become a highly desired fashion item, but news that the EU have backed down from their position has been welcomed.
Womenswear? We don't think so, at least thankfully the rest of Europe now knows what we Scots have known for generations, that this is one very manly piece of attire.

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