The Chancellor of Indosia says:
I HATE you but I LOVE you, I can't stop thinking of you.
ponedjeljak, svibnja 31, 2004
YC PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The rockin'-ness of the Newsboys (NEW ZEALAND!). This pic is kindof blurry, but it was super fabulous!
Ahhh, the goodness of Skillet. Their concert last year was better, but they still rock!
Some cool rapper chicks who were totally a picture waiting to other words Da and Lo being hhhhhhhhhhot! :: tssssss :: ;) Sorry, had to. I've got some salve if you need it.
This is United (Australia!). I love that background with immensity. I wanted to go swimming so badly after that. Gorgeous.
And unfortunately, my Audio Adrenaline pics are on the unfinished film. So we'll have to wait until after Jasper to see those. :D

We'll Just Tell You We Don't Do Anything
Lohi, you are right. YC withdrawal is upon me as well. I mean, in choir today I was just sitting there in a slump and singing whatever came out and not even trying to sing the right notes. Or in the right spots. It also helped that I had no music. There's Jasper next weekend though, that should perhaps be a good time in the midst of withdrawal so then I can have more withdrawal perfectly in time for Diplomas.
In other news...well, more happy news anyway. YC ROCKED MORE THAN ANYTHING HAS EVER ROCKED BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean; jumping, singing, screaming, HOWLING. What, pray-tell, beats that (although for some reason the only place I actually enjoy concerty type things is when it's Christian and I know the songs, but I guess that's least the knowing the songs part)? Going to England possibly, but as I've not yet experienced that I wouldn't know. So anyway, Newsboys, Rebeccca St. James and Audio Adrenaline were the best concerts. Totally rockin'. And hot on occasion (in Skillet least semi-dece). Australian accents are growing on me. Of course, Audio Adrenaline totally rocks superiorly cause lead singer man came out into the crowd and was like a meter from I've said before...I could have POKED him! And jumpin' to those songs was just fabby. Also in Newsboys and Rebecca St. James concerts. And then there was the hugging guy. Good times. The atmosphere just makes me super-happy...and loudly cheering crowds are awesome...and so are bass-y goodness that rumble the entire building. Or the whole floor anyway. :D

nedjelja, svibnja 30, 2004
So, there's gallons of excitement to share/bore you with. But right now all I have to say is that Christie and Heather drove a semi-dece to decent Australian guy to San Francisco...or San Diego. But they have pictures. So yeh, that's my story. And before you go saying they were stupid for driving a strange guy, they did a background check on him first and he was a sweetheart. And he was Australian. And I'm getting my pictures tomorrow of other genuine-ly, undisputably hot Australian guy. So...rock on! ;D

petak, svibnja 28, 2004
Good News All Round
So, I got an email just now from Jeremy, the guy from Lethbridge who's going to Capernwray. There's a rather large chance that we'll be on the same plane even though we by no means planned it that way. His leaves at the same time as mine...same day...same airport. Hmmmmmmmm, that would be so great! Anyway, just thought I'd share. :D

četvrtak, svibnja 27, 2004
Day of DAYS!!!!!!!!!
I cannot even BEGIN to describe the joy that has overcome me today. It was just like, one thing after another! Must've been to make up for the fact that I had to present in Physics all by my lonesome. So, first of all...I don't have to worry about transport really in London now because Dave is FABULOUS and says his parents can pick me up and drive us and...WOOT! I don't even know what woot means but WOOT!!!!!!! That is a whole whack-load of worry off my shoulders. Ok, then, we went to West Side Story which was also fabulousness in itself. I'm cut out for going to see plays, must do it more often. THEN, other things happened which I cannot say as I'm again sworn to secrecy and it would totally ruin the beauty that is if I told. But just know it's fabulosity (oh so VERY fabulous, I'm just ecstatic. And there's no way you're getting it out of me.). So then, we bought my plane ticket. It's cheap(er) than suspected AND I got to pick my meal and my seats. SO folks, I have window seats both ways unless they can't give them to me for some reason which would break my heart. Oi! AND, I get a child's meal. Which is I'm sure not as exciting as it sounds, but it's what I picked. I'm going on a huge airbus, I'm sorta near the bathrooms AND I'm not sitting on the wing. This is just purely fantastical! I thought I wouldn't even get to pick if I wanted a window seat but then this 'floorplan' of the airplane popped up and it shows which seats are already taken (a surprising amount considering how far ahead this is) and which ones aren't and YOU GET TO CLICK ON THE SEAT YOU WANT! And THEN it's a non-stop flight, no connections, no stops...just straight there! There has not been a day so purely made of raw joy as today in...well...forever! I'm super duper excited! SUPER DUPER! Ok Stef, all you need to do is breath. You can do that. And then of course YC is tomorrow so I'm just...not going to get any sleep tonight. Perhaps I'll dream of England again...ROCK ON! And then of course there's just the incredible knowledge that I am friends with some of the most fabulous artists EVER. Bev and Alison, you are both so awesome artistically, we saw your stuff at West Side Story (the art part that they had set up) today and I was completely blown away. Especially both of your oil paintings, they are just so beautiful I am in AWE. You guys are awesome. I don't even know if you read this but if you do...know that you rock so very much. OK, all my other buddies and probably everyone else rock too, but you guys deserve special recognition today for your awesome brains. OK, I think I'm done speiling now. Thank you for your time. I love you all so very much. Rock on. You make me happy. And AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

srijeda, svibnja 26, 2004
I'm Starting to Put Links In My Posts; Click On Them If Something Seems Interesting, Eh?
Transport in London is altogether too confusing. BUT, I'm not going to have to take a taxi in London! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Besides the fact that it would cost like $100 to get where I want, it's also much too worrisome trying to actually get a cab to go through all that work. So, I could take the Heathrow Express to Paddington Station and then take the London Underground to Victoria Station as Mr. Williams suggested. (He's all knowing cuz he and his wife are Britlanders and they go there like every year.) BUT that would cost a whole whackado of money cuz the BritRail pass is like 23 American dollars for the Heathrow Express SO I could just take the blue underground rail (also know as the Piccadilly Rail) directly from Heathrow, transfer at Acton-something and then go on the green line (forget what that one's called) to Victoria Station, or the underground stop thing that is right near Victoria Station. And then I could just get a 1-Day pass for £5.10 so I wouldn't have to pay the double fair (£4 or something), unless of course they do tranfers which would be just lovely. The only problem would be luggage. I wonder if it'd be too bothersome to take luggage on the tube trains. I guess I shall find out in good time. Now the only problem is my plane tickets. The only airline that's sufficiently economical is Air Canada and they're threatening their whole bankruptcy thing which would be HORRIBLE for me. I mean, I COULD go with American Airlines but who wants to pay more for one stinkin' ticket than two put together with a different airline? That one American Airlines ticket would take up almost my entire summer earnings. YEH RIGHT. So, having travel issssssssssues. But it will all work out in the end, even if I have to make my own raft and paddle there myself. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that though. If all else fails, I'll grab a cheap ticket to Scotland and take the train down to Carnforth and then WALK the 5 miles to Capernwray. It will work I tell you.
I've just seen pictures of Whitby Abbey and the graveyard from Dracula. How scary! :O

Fact of the Day
I figured this was quite appropriate. So, here it is taken (with much gratitude ;)) from The Scotsman, the only newspaper that I read becuase it has no relevance to me really seeing as I'm on another continent, etc. Anyway.
Today in 1879, Irish author Bram Stoker sees his latest work Dracula go on sale for the first time. Quite possibly, he expected the book to be a success, although maybe not at quite the scale of 14 film versions of his novel and another 650-odd movies that are roughly related. Probably the most disturbing manifestation of the Count was enacted by German actor Max Shreck in the 1922 film 'Nosferatu' - a film which could not use the name Dracula for copyright reasons.

utorak, svibnja 25, 2004
I now know how to change a flat tire. Actually, it doesn't even have to be flat, I can change it if it's still full! Now ain't THAT talent? And I know how to boost a car and check the oil. Rock on. And I also know that some people are insufferable, I mean, saying that I'm American and live in the States 10 times in one conversation is just too much! Especially after the European/British and Northern Irish/Southern Irish talks.

My Depressing Songs for the Day
Best I Ever Had
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring
Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now
But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best I ever had
So you stole my world
Now I'm just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely
Send it in a letter
Make yourself feel better
But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't need me back
You're just the best I ever had
And it may take some time to
Patch me up inside
But I can't take it so I
Run away and hide
And I may find in time that
You were always right
You're always right
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring
What was it you wanted
Could it be I'm haunted
But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
I don't want you back
You're just the best I ever had
The best I ever had
The best I ever
Here With Me
I didn't hear you leave
I wonder how am I still here
And I don't want to move a thing
It might change my memory
Oh I am what I am
I'll do what I want
But I can't hide
I won't go
I won't sleep
I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me
I won't leave
I can't hide
I cannot be
Until you're resting here with me
I don't want to call my friends
They might wake me from this dream
And I can't leave this bed
Risk forgetting all that's been
[Chorus ]

It costs $10 more to fly to London from Edmonton than from Calgary. Does that mean it would cost $10 to fly to Calgary? Probably not, I think that's skewed logic. And as I am logical, that doesn't make sense. Anyway, prices have only gone up $30 with the rising 'petrol' (hahahahaha, I laugh at myself) prices (in two months) so I should get my tickets soon or else I'll be paying WAY too much. Now I'm left with the decision of stopping over in Ottawa for 10 more dollars, or stopping in Toronto. Well, the stopover is just long enough in Ottawa to be boring but not long enough to actually go out and do anything, so I suppose it's just as well to go to Toronto (and save those 10 dollars which I could much more efficiently use for a train ticket). Then at least I can say I've been there. I'd rather go to Montreal or something though. Oh well, it's all for the sake of going to LONDON so...either way I think I'll survive. Although airplanes are sometimes known to crash and kill everyone on board. But I wont allow that to happen now will I? No, I wont. Anyway, have a fabby day y'all! Soon it will be YC, then it will be Jasper and then it will be into exams. We're almost done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

So, the Pine Bungalows people just called, they now HAVE a 2 bedroom cabin for us. But I told them it was ok because we found a place somewhere else (that's my agressiveness for you guys right there ;) ). Those ones WERE 3 dollars cheaper but I figure since we wanna go to Miette Hot Springs anyway we might as well have a place right there so the whole drive wont be made just for swimming. Dad said the Miette cabins are old, but they will be fine. So that is the news thus far today.

ponedjeljak, svibnja 24, 2004
Grad Sucks
That's pretty much the jist/gist of it. I mean, who wears their hair like that anymore? NO ONE. And yes, I do have bangs, and no, I will not go one evening without them. My face...ugh. My shoulders...even more ugh. Me...UGH. Stupid pointless expensive crap of BAHHHHHHHH! I don't dance, I don't stand in front of people, I don't WANT 15 seconds of 'fame'. Just chuck everyone in the same boat and assume that's what they want, thank YOU retards. :: grumble ::

nedjelja, svibnja 23, 2004
I'm going to make a detailed floorplan of the Alexander Palace so I can remake it in the Sims. If Mr. O'Hanley had given my POSTER back I wouldn't have to completely redo it. He has no idea how much time I spent on that. Did you know they had a giant slide in there for the Romanov children? That rocks. It's my favourite palace ever. Which would be why I did a project on it. If Mr. O'Hanley threw that poster out I think he deserves arrested next time he goes to Russia and be forced to forfeit all his pictures. Yes, that would be sufficient punishment. Although, that may be harsh. It was only the pride of my grade 9 career. Which ones are the one that make flooplans? Architects? Maybe I'll be one of those, I like making floorplans and Christie told me I should be an architect. Ah, ideas are forming. Goodbye.

Sooooo, fabulousness of fabbity fabs. A lot of Dracula takes place in Whitby, which is right by Whitby Abbey, which is in the book that I still haven't given back to Lou and am not finished with yet. So I can look at the picture of it and just imagine what's happening in Dracula as being right in the shadow of the ruins. And in the bay. And it's just great. I hope I never go there at night though...I'll be afraid the vampires are coming to get me. Anyway, enough of this vampire talk. It's time to put up that picture that a couple people are going to hate me for putting up...but you gotta admit, it's the most fabulous picture ever and no one submitted it to the grad slide-show for which you should both be grateful for. And it's Lo's pic. And remember, there are many more great picture where this one came from so I suggest you be good. OR ELSE!!!!! ;) :P :D
Hahahahahaha. The banjo...sorry guys, it had to be done. I call it "The Serenade". :D
P.S. Looking at the pictures from the Tas and Lou double partay...SO hilarious. I mean, what were we THINKing???? And Da's fuzzy toque. Oh, you have no idea how hard I'm laughing.

subota, svibnja 22, 2004
I am home. Alone. And upon stopping at a very suspenseful part in Dracula to complete my chores, I have fallen into a very jittery mood. I'm afraid to walk down the stairs in the dark for fear a vampire is waiting for me around the corner and I cannot turn around as a vampire is very likely standing behind me. :: shudder :: It wouldn't surprise me if a vampire was flitting about outside my window at this very moment awaiting the time when I open it every night. I have just imagined a giant, inflatable Dracula sitting in the dark on my lawn and it has given me the shivers. I don't know why it's inflatable, but the fact that an imaginary vampire could give me such a fright is evidence for the fact that a real vampire would surely scare me to death. Books are too much for me, they do much more than any movie could. But I love them and thus here I am, awaiting the dreaded vampire, swooping down upon me to finish me off. Now, before I scare myself to death I must finish the book and find out the ending as it ties all things together and leaves everyone living happily ever after, including myself, or I shall forever be afraid that a vampire is waiting on the other side of every corner. I'm afraid it has also affected my speech, I can no longer think normally as it all comes out in a manner much more formal than I'm used to. Goodnight.

Hokey, just as a note, all the pics of Capernwray are most likely taken by Jon. They are his pics, give all credit to him cuz they're fabulous. I figure you should know that since there will likely be many more Capernwray pics, and since I've most recently had a run in with the photographer and fell absolutely HORRIBLE. ;) Other pics will be appropriately credited as they most likely come from many different places. And are also fabulous. Well, not necessarily fabulous if they're my pics. But wotevs.

Random Ramblings
Ooooh, illiteration.
I'm outnumbered in this little ol' house of mine. Mom and Christie have gone away. They've all gone to Abbotsford and then Christie and Heather are continuing on to California. So I'm still here in a house of men. Cuz Dad and Jon are both still here. Ah, a week of being home alone, what joy! And no, the car was too small to bring me along. How dastardly, they get to go see fabulous sights and I have to stay here. Perhaps someday I shall live in BC, near the coast. If Scotland doesn't work out, because the climates ARE very similar and they're both quite gorgeous.
So, Shrek 2 is FABULOUS! I mean...thong! Hahahahaha.
Hey you guys, Van Helsing is actually from Dracula! I started reading Dracula yesterday because I got it for my birthday a couple years ago and could never get into it and decided to try again. But now it's very interesting. I haven't actually gotten to the Van Helsing part yet but there is a chapter (according to the Table Of Contents) which is an excerpt from his diary or journal or something.
So, I got a new swimsuit yesterday which means I can swim again without worrying about the see-through-ness of it. Yay! And I made a hair appointment for grad, to my great chagrin. I was in a very bad mood about grad again on Thursday. It was great, I even cried a bit. Stupid grad, why must I go. ARG! Besides the fact that I'm going to look hideous anyway, I'm probably going to be in a bad mood the whole time. Well, probably only the part at Shaw. Supper and afterwards should be a jolly good time. Oh well! It's just a dumb, pointless, expensive ceremony. And I don't have to pay for it.
Pyramid of Chairs-Taken by Dave of the famed Britland So, apparently they're a lot more creative in England. The Year 11 folks made this lovely pyramid of chairs, filled an entire 'corridor' with balloons and foam (shaving cream) and something else which I don't remember right now. And then, other years things such as reassembling old cars in a classroom on the upper floor and writing things on the field in bleach powder have been done. Like, why are we not allowed to do these things? Oh, the fabulous pranks we could come up with. And that school is 450 years old. Dang.
Well, I'm gonna go now cuz...I'm done rambling about the boring events (well, not ALL are boring, Shrek 2 was fabby and so was getting a swimsuit) and thoughts that make up my life. Have an illuminated day. And don't ask what I mean by that please, just know it's nothing negative. Goodbye! :D

srijeda, svibnja 19, 2004
utorak, svibnja 18, 2004
Some crazy armed peeps almost stole £80m (40m in gold and 40m in cash or something) from Heathrow yesterday. Makes me feel really safe to be going there. And beats me why they're keeping that much money in a warehouse at the airport. Like, that's what banks are for, people. You're not supposed to let it sit there overnight. Fup. Oh well, SCOTLAND Yard caught the crazy armed peeps so it's allllllll good. And just as a that I can put pictures on here there will probably be a LOT of them. Have a fantabulous day everyone! B'ye! :D
HAHAHAHAHahahahahahaha! They have 'Best Loo of the Year' awards on Scotland. I laughincrediblyy hard at that. I wonder if we have any awards like that? I mean, we have those outhouse calendars but an award? I dunno.
'You take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll be in Scotland before ye. But me and me true love will never meet again on the bonnie bonnie banks of LOCH LOMOND!' -Picture (c)
Yeh I know, too many pictures already. I couldn't resist!
And one more thing. Remember 'Bring it on in to Omletteville' and Justin Timberlake dressed up as an omelette? I found a template of him in his omelette costume. It's so funny. And, you know, just thought I'd share so you too can remember the good ol' times. Yeh. HA.

ponedjeljak, svibnja 17, 2004
Revolutionary Technology
YOU GUYS! I can put my own pictures on my blog now! Rock on! I've been trying to do this for ages and it never WORKED even when I put them on a seperate web-page and connected from there with HTML crap! Aha! Now, it is all better. I cheated, yes, it's a program but yay! And when you click on the opens the picture on a seperate page (they are more 'crisp' when veiwed on a seperate page)! That was the trouble I always had, I knew how to do it (or so I thought) but it never worked.
This is where I'm going to school. Capernwray is the epitomy of greenness, beauty and other good things. Perhaps only Scotland can surpass it.
The gorgeous gate at Capernwray. I love it!
These pictures, by the way, were taken by Jon from Northern Ireland. Not myself, so I take no credit. However, he did say that I could share them so everyone would know the wonder of Capernwray and so I have done.

Spitting Games by Snow Patrol is good. Especially since they have accents and you can totally tell. "Right thar..." Which ones are the Irish peeps who are totally hard to understand? Is it divided North and South or is there some other divider thinger? Hmmmm...I think I've said all this before. But oh well, it deserves saying again. Have a fabby day y'ALL! :D

nedjelja, svibnja 16, 2004
Socially Inept
Yes, that is me. I am socially inept. Is that a problem? I mean, loads of people say that the internet is such a bad way to communicate. Well, unfortunately I'm not able to chat it up in person like most other people can so...don't tell me it's my fault. If you've ever talked to me you'll know how much I have to say (at least when talking to anyone I don't know really well), and it's not because I actually HAVE nothing to say that I don't say anything. It's because I'm afraid that what I say will..I don't know...make people think badly of me? Yeh. And everyone says that all you have to do is SAY what you have to say and it'll get easier to talk to people. Well, it doesn't work that way for me. Sorry that I was told to shut my mouth a few too many times when I was younger. It tends to make a child think talking to people is a bad thing when your teacher calls your house 4 times a year to complain about your talking. Now it's ingrained in me and I can't get over it. It just makes me mad sometimes when people ask me why I talk so much on MSN as it's "so impersonal". Sorry, but I have issues with coming up with things to talk about in person. Which makes me understand why some people stop or virtually stop talking to me (I usually don't actually confront people about that, cuz you know, it only makes things worse, and you know, I'm too shy). But wotevs. It's who I am and if you don't like it go away. AND, for your information, I've had some of the most helpful, deep and interesting conversations over MSN and although that probably sounds pretty sad to some people, MSN is usually the place where I can actually express myself. Because on MSN people can't see you and you can't see them (yes, I realise that was slightly redundent). And for some reason that makes it easier. Thank you, that was my rant. I was actually going to rant about something else but that was too "graphic" so it became this. Goodnight.

Well, to my chagrin I was unable to reach my goal of 104 degrees. I only got up to 101.7 which isn't TOO shabby, but still not up to par. My tumors are going away, yay to that. And today I can actually move without being in immense pain. Yeehaw! Why does no one else keep track of their highest temperature of all time? It's something we need to know guys.

subota, svibnja 15, 2004
Well, I was right. My temperature is now officially 101.0 degrees. Let's set a goal of 104.0, shall we? I think the highest my temperature has every been was 104.5 or something when I had pneumonia in grade 3. Of course, we didn't find out that it was pneumonia until it was almost better cuz the doctors diagnosed it as two other things first. And by that time I wasn't even sick enough to go to the hospital. Bummer, hey? Not really. But yeh, I haven't felt this crappy in a long time, usually the painful skin/bones go away with sleep but apparently not this time. Moving from lying down in front of the TV to half-sitting made me shiver insanely for about 5 minutes. Methinks I'm dying. But I just got me a water-bottle (one with a nozzle-thinger so I can't spill it, which I'm liable to do considering how I cannot control my actions), so I'm sure that will save me. You have no idea how long it's taken to type this because of it. Oh well, my exams are over...that's all good. I just need to learn all the radioactivity stuff for Physics. Augh, I feel my temperature rising. Goodbye.

My entire body is in a state of pain. Well, actually it's only my skin and bones that hurt. And my head. And my tumors (which are actually lymph nodes). Somehow my temperature has managed to level out at 99.6. Well, that was this morning. So by now it should be higher since I've actually moved since then. But I'm sure I'm far from denaturing still. Although feeling like this for two days is rather draining, it could be much worse. Good thing I don't have to study this weekend otherwise I'd fail everything. Ow, I need to do something that requires no thinking or movement. Esecially of the eyes. And preferably with no light, cuz that hurts me eyes. Perhaps I'm turning into Gollum! Anyway, I'll probably have to go stare at the TV screen for a while, that's the closest I can get to doing nothing. Besides sleeping, which I can't do right now cuz I woke up so late (12:30, it's been a lonf time since I've slept that long...). And besides the fact that it will probably induce more pain upon my eyes, it sounds like 'fun'. Ok, nevermind, Dad's just decided to take over the TV so I'm stuck here. Well, have a great day guys.

petak, svibnja 14, 2004
Beetles and Other Smelly Things
Beetles smell weird when you squish them. Although, I didn't really squish it cuz I began to feel sorry for it and thus placed it on the floor so it can continue its exciting life. Its smell is kindof like a garage (what squished beetles smell like), as in a garage where you take the car to be fixed.
Da, you're little stunt today was absolutely fabulous. Considering it made me laugh for 5 minutes when the rest of the day I felt like crap cuz my neck is sore due to various tumors and I had a headache and was basically achy all over while stressing about my Physics unit exam. I mean, I knew you would do SOMETHING in retaliation but I must admit I was not expecting the perfection of that. Although you really need some window markers. But yeh, that was good. And as Lo has already voiced, we were wondering why you didn't take your stuff while you were packaging it all so nicely. Was that part of the plan, to create confusion? Hmmm, very smart. I must take notes on this event for future reference.

četvrtak, svibnja 13, 2004
Uh oh you guys, there are two lumps behind my right ear that definitely don't resemble anything that is present behind my left ear. What if I have a tumor and have only two months to live? Of course, it could just be that my LEFT ear is the one that's out of proportion since there's definitely a problem with it, although the ear doctor claims there's nothing wrong. But WHAT IF? What if it spreads to my brain and I die of a brain tumor on my 19th birthday. OH, the horror! Well, actually, by then I'll be back from England so it MAY not be so bad. But still, there are those occasions when I really do fear death. I mean, there's nothing to fear or anything but it's one of those weird things you know. Sometimes you think it'd be a perfect time to die and others you feel so scared it induces...perpetual...insomnia. Yeh, so that's my what if situation of the day. But there really are two unknown lumps behind my right ear and I really think that it could be a tumor. But I always think of worst case scenarios. Like in diploma exams...the perfect time for someone to come in and shoot everyone or blow up the school or something. Yeh, um, I'll be leaving now.

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, DONE STUPID IB EXAMS! I NEVER have to be stressed about that crap again!
Da, I'm gonna kill you.
Stupid Physics unit exam is ruining my happiness about IB exams being over, now I must kill something.
Thank goodness I get to watch Braveheart tonight, that should sooth things a bit (because it's Scottish). And thank goodness there is the prospect of another book because the book reminds me of the good ol' times. Which are still usually good but occasionally not. But don't go getting offended again guys cuz you have no part in making times not good if indeed they are not so spectacular. Cuz really all times are spectacular, it's just the underlying things that are dumb.
My eyes are officially green...or so Arthi says. Yay! She didn't even say Hazel, she said GREEN! Muahahahahaha, I'm the green-eyed monster! Or does that mean something significant that's not true? Meh.
Anywho, I'm gonna go now. So see ya!

srijeda, svibnja 12, 2004
utorak, svibnja 11, 2004
Ahhh, birthdays are so gret. I'm getting something in the mail like every day and then today I got Toblerone (thanks Lou, it's fabby). So yeh, I wasn't scoffing at your choice of birthday present, I was merely wondering why you were coming up to me and saying Toblerone. In case you were wondering. And the exams weren't too bad but now I'm going to die on the Social ones. Crapnolio. So, I gotsta go study now. Have a fabby time of it y'all! :D

ponedjeljak, svibnja 10, 2004
Whoa to the maximum. The blogger homepage has the max.
So, I just wasted one hour and 26 minutes walking to Glen Allen from home, and then back home again. See, I was going to choir but I had to go home and get my uniform first since we have pictures today. Unfortunately, no one from choir was there so apparently the location was changed and either no one told me or I just forgot. Except I really don't think that I'd forget something like that. It really wouldn't have been that bad if I'd been wearing proper walking shoes...but I wasn't; I was wearing the ones that give me blisters everytime I walk in them for more than 10 minutes. So yeh, my feet are a bit sore now. But oh well, it was fabulous exercise. Especially since I was walking super fast first in 'anticipation' of getting to choir on time and then in anticipation of getting home sooner. So now I'm home and I refuse to study until after supper. I love procrastinating. Except not in the long run. But in the longer run I'm going to England so who cares.
Anyway y'alls, have a fantabulous day and STUDY HARD FOR BIO. If you have Bio, if not then just relax and watch TV. Or something. :D

subota, svibnja 08, 2004
OK, despite the fact that I've been studying all day, which is made worse because it's my birthday, my day has been fabulosa. We sent off my money for the Capernwray bus, Dad gave me part of his tax refund which means I can almost afford a whole plane ticket, mom and dad gave me money for my birthday (which will [mostly] be used for Jasper so you guys better come) AND I'm getting $10 in the mail (unless it was a scam) for doing a survey on the phone. Which was fun in itself because the tele-survey dude sounded young (and he's a soccer coach/player which reminds me of Irish Joe) and we had a whole conversation besides the actual survey part. It was so funny cuz the 18+ person with the most recent birthday was supposed to do the survey and it's my birthday today. Good ol' times. YOU GUYS! I almost have enough money for a plane ticket! From totally not to almost in one day is so great. But now I must go study again, have a great day! :D
OOOH, AND I got 75% on the IB exam specimen BEFORE studying! Yay!

petak, svibnja 07, 2004
You guys I'm so very relieved. Apparently average spending per month per student at Capernwray is about £45. Which is surprisingly high. So basically, a few people who spend a lot of money are raising the average therefore I will most likely be spending less than that. Yay! I'll have money to buy things for everyone! (And for me. Tehehehe. ;)) And fortravelingg around and all that! The excitement! And here's another plan, how 'bout the exchange rate stops getting worse. Yeh, good idea. Maybe by September it'll level out again at...2.2 or so. Instead of 2.5 or so. Cuz that's not nice at all.
What if I'm having dreams in which I find out that a vaccine will mutate at high temperatures and spread around the world in less than 3 weeks and kill off the entire population of the world? And somehow the people who WANT to kill a huge portion of the population hear me talking about this dream and now they know precisely which vaccine will have this mutation. And what if I've also revealed how to make the antivirus by cutting the DNA strand a base pairs 5 and 93 and splicing some stuff? What then hey? WHAT THEN? If you have the antivirus you can control the world! The good news is, this wont happen until 2010. ;) In my book anyway. It's a fabulous book. You should read it. But I've sed that about all the Ted Dekker books and as of yet no one has taken my advice so. I will continue recommending in vain.
And that's all. Have a splendid day all! :D

četvrtak, svibnja 06, 2004
"Far And Away" is such a fabulous movie (and song). Muahahaha. And Tom Cruise was so young and innocent(-ish)and IRISH. There should be more Irish actors. (YES, I realise he's not actually Irish.) Come to think of it, there should be more Scottish actors. Anyway...
Christie kindly informed me today that I'm also going to be depressed for her wedding because being home will suck. And I can see that happening considering I became depressed coming back from a week of camp. Oh well, I have survived most of grade 12 in depression or near depression so I should be able to handle a month or so. Yeh, hopefully. We'll have to have a partay when I come back or I'm going to die of boredom and sadness.
And the Math final today was so much easier than I was expecting. It was beautiful. Despite the fact that vectors still kill me. I don't know what's so hard about them, I know in grade 11 I could do them. I was looking over my notes yesterday, I was just good at everything back then. So much has changed, alas, not for the better. But oh well, the exams are much less stressful so far than I was imagining so good stuff. Although that's to be expected since I tend to be rather pessimistic. Final exams in Northern Ireland (or at least the East Coast-ish area of Nor'n Ireland) start on May 24th. Did you know that? Is that not unfair? Oh well, they're probably harder than our finals anyway. Well, harder than our final finals, probably not harder than our IB finals. But I don't know. Hmmm. Finals are just all dumb. Anyway, I should be going to study now. Laterz! :D
Ok, one last thing. We need to start calling soccer football and then during the transition it will turn into footie. And then everything will be set. Because footie is such a great name. And it will help me in remaining alive while I'm in England as I wont be offending anyone or their football then. So long as I don't call them European. Although, if they keep calling me American I think it's a fair trade-off. What's so bad about being European anyway? It's not like people calling you something makes you that way.
Far and Away-Enya
English & Irish Gaelic
One day, one night, one moment,
my dreams could be, tomorrow.
One step, one fall, one falter,
east or west, over earth or by ocean.
One way to be my journey,
this way could be my Book of Days.
Ó lá go lá, mo thuras,
an bealach fada romham.
Ó oíche go hoíche, mo thuras,
na scéalta nach mbeidh a choích.
No day, no night, no moment,
can hold me back from trying.
I'll flag, I'll fall, I'll falter,
I'll find my day may be, Far and Away.
Far and Away.
One day, one night, one moment,
with a dream to believe in.
One step, one fall, one falter,
and a new earth across a wide ocean.
This way became my journey,
this day ends together, Far and Away.
This day ends together, Far and Away.
Far and Away.

utorak, svibnja 04, 2004
You know, it's really annoying when people you don't even know demand that you go look at their website by way of someone you do know and then never update it. Especially when it amuses you greatly. It's a travesty I tell you. I think I'm gonna have to send them an email one of these days and tell them how truly distressed I am.

Haaaaaaa, that was so great. Miranda is just like, the most wonderful child I have ever babysat for. I told her it was 8:30 and she went to bed. How fabby! And then I basically did nothing cuz we watched TV and played games and the whole time her step-ish brother was there sleeping on the floor. So in reality, there were 2 babysitters and neither of us had to do anything substantial. Unless sitting around, watching TV, petting the numerous animals and sleeping is considered substantial. Fabulosa!

Well, today has been another boring day in the boring life of Ste so I'll spare you the details. Besides that, I have nothing to say cuz I never reveal the inner workings of my brain. I'm really liking this book though. It'd be SO very weird to fall asleep in one world and wake up in another. And then when you fall asleep in 'another' you wake up in the first world. And neither one is a dream because they're just not (great explanation hey?). And to find out they're actually the same place only separated by so many years that things are no longer recognizable. Ted Dekker rocks.
Just to let you know...I GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW!!! One class guys, just one! How fabulous. And we have to go visit Da at her new place of employ. It's essential to life.
Hahahaha, the music video for 'My Band' is hilarious. Especially the salsa part. Haha.
You know guys, all we have to do is invent a car that goes faster than the speed of sound and we can go back in time. I just don't know why it's taken so long to do it. :: drip :: I wonder how you could go forward in time though (as in, FAR ahead in time, obviously I'm going ahead in time right now). I mean, it's obviously not by going slower than the speed of sound cuz I'm also doing that right now and I'm not in the 25th century or anything. This leads me to believe that there is no time. That's right, NO time. Everything is happening right now. And obviously if time actually CHANGES, like, really becomes completely different when you travel at different high speeds we cannot say that time is constant. Therefore time may not be another dimension, but time itself has other dimensions OR it just doesn't exist at all. And that is my theory.
And here's the deep question of the you believe there are alternate futures (based on choices that COULD be made in different ways) or is there merely one set future? As in, does the future change with every choice that you make or is it already permanent? If it IS permanent then we have another argument for everything happening at once because otherwise there is no way that the future could be permanent unless there is a 'higher being' (of which I know) who can make things happen that defy all rules and laws that we know and/or all logic is thrown to the wind. I'm thinking logic is not so fabulous. ANYWAY, I can tell I have evoked great confusion (mostly in myself) so I shall cease this rambling now. Have a fabby day y'all! :D :D

ponedjeljak, svibnja 03, 2004
Christie's friend doesn't want Filo anymore so we get to keep him. So, Christie might kill him in the next couple of weeks. And then when I go to Capernwray he'll be all lonely and then Christie AND I will be gone after Christmas so he'll be even more lonely. And I MAY be able to work into September at dad's work so I will actually have something to do besides pack until I go. Yay!
I finished *the jacket*. Now it has two equal length sleeves and they MATCH! Fanciful! I made the horrible mistake of letting mom try it on and now she wants it. But I refuse to let her have it. I had to sew 3 honkin' ripped seams AND a new button plus the extra sleeve lengths (which Da gracefully helped me with, thank you Da :D). So now I've payed for it in work and it is MINE. And it is beautiful. Too bad I got it after the weather turned nice. You think I could wear it with non-dressy things? I think so, the splash of colour just makes it go with anything.
Anyway, I'm gonna go finish watching POTC and then I'm going to study for 4 hours. So have a lovely evening y'alls! :D

Now I haven't posted in 2 days, that's what we call a travestry. Or, that's what we call a travesty in my books. You know, those books...that I have written... SO, now I have no classes till May 31st. Except for physics which I never pay attention in anyway. Physics is like, naptime. Just exams to stress about now. But considering that they're IB, who cares?
Today I'm sick, so I'm not going to choir. And that's why I fell asleep in Physics again. Although I guess that's probably not the reason considering that I USUALLY fall asleep in Physics.
Elk Island rocks.
Saturday Night Fever is CREEPY.
Ok, I've run out of things to say. So, uh, keep it real and, uh, have a fabulous day and study your butt off! NOt literally of course, but you know. Yeh, bye. :D