Some crazy armed peeps almost stole £80m (40m in gold and 40m in cash or something) from Heathrow yesterday. Makes me feel really safe to be going there. And beats me why they're keeping that much money in a warehouse at the airport. Like, that's what banks are for, people. You're not supposed to let it sit there overnight. Fup. Oh well, SCOTLAND Yard caught the crazy armed peeps so it's allllllll good. And just as a that I can put pictures on here there will probably be a LOT of them. Have a fantabulous day everyone! B'ye! :D
HAHAHAHAHahahahahahaha! They have 'Best Loo of the Year' awards on Scotland. I laughincrediblyy hard at that. I wonder if we have any awards like that? I mean, we have those outhouse calendars but an award? I dunno.
'You take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll be in Scotland before ye. But me and me true love will never meet again on the bonnie bonnie banks of LOCH LOMOND!' -Picture (c)
Yeh I know, too many pictures already. I couldn't resist!
And one more thing. Remember 'Bring it on in to Omletteville' and Justin Timberlake dressed up as an omelette? I found a template of him in his omelette costume. It's so funny. And, you know, just thought I'd share so you too can remember the good ol' times. Yeh. HA.

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