Uh oh you guys, there are two lumps behind my right ear that definitely don't resemble anything that is present behind my left ear. What if I have a tumor and have only two months to live? Of course, it could just be that my LEFT ear is the one that's out of proportion since there's definitely a problem with it, although the ear doctor claims there's nothing wrong. But WHAT IF? What if it spreads to my brain and I die of a brain tumor on my 19th birthday. OH, the horror! Well, actually, by then I'll be back from England so it MAY not be so bad. But still, there are those occasions when I really do fear death. I mean, there's nothing to fear or anything but it's one of those weird things you know. Sometimes you think it'd be a perfect time to die and others you feel so scared it induces...perpetual...insomnia. Yeh, so that's my what if situation of the day. But there really are two unknown lumps behind my right ear and I really think that it could be a tumor. But I always think of worst case scenarios. Like in diploma exams...the perfect time for someone to come in and shoot everyone or blow up the school or something. Yeh, um, I'll be leaving now.

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