I am home. Alone. And upon stopping at a very suspenseful part in Dracula to complete my chores, I have fallen into a very jittery mood. I'm afraid to walk down the stairs in the dark for fear a vampire is waiting for me around the corner and I cannot turn around as a vampire is very likely standing behind me. :: shudder :: It wouldn't surprise me if a vampire was flitting about outside my window at this very moment awaiting the time when I open it every night. I have just imagined a giant, inflatable Dracula sitting in the dark on my lawn and it has given me the shivers. I don't know why it's inflatable, but the fact that an imaginary vampire could give me such a fright is evidence for the fact that a real vampire would surely scare me to death. Books are too much for me, they do much more than any movie could. But I love them and thus here I am, awaiting the dreaded vampire, swooping down upon me to finish me off. Now, before I scare myself to death I must finish the book and find out the ending as it ties all things together and leaves everyone living happily ever after, including myself, or I shall forever be afraid that a vampire is waiting on the other side of every corner. I'm afraid it has also affected my speech, I can no longer think normally as it all comes out in a manner much more formal than I'm used to. Goodnight.

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