Day of DAYS!!!!!!!!!
I cannot even BEGIN to describe the joy that has overcome me today. It was just like, one thing after another! Must've been to make up for the fact that I had to present in Physics all by my lonesome. So, first of all...I don't have to worry about transport really in London now because Dave is FABULOUS and says his parents can pick me up and drive us and...WOOT! I don't even know what woot means but WOOT!!!!!!! That is a whole whack-load of worry off my shoulders. Ok, then, we went to West Side Story which was also fabulousness in itself. I'm cut out for going to see plays, must do it more often. THEN, other things happened which I cannot say as I'm again sworn to secrecy and it would totally ruin the beauty that is if I told. But just know it's fabulosity (oh so VERY fabulous, I'm just ecstatic. And there's no way you're getting it out of me.). So then, we bought my plane ticket. It's cheap(er) than suspected AND I got to pick my meal and my seats. SO folks, I have window seats both ways unless they can't give them to me for some reason which would break my heart. Oi! AND, I get a child's meal. Which is I'm sure not as exciting as it sounds, but it's what I picked. I'm going on a huge airbus, I'm sorta near the bathrooms AND I'm not sitting on the wing. This is just purely fantastical! I thought I wouldn't even get to pick if I wanted a window seat but then this 'floorplan' of the airplane popped up and it shows which seats are already taken (a surprising amount considering how far ahead this is) and which ones aren't and YOU GET TO CLICK ON THE SEAT YOU WANT! And THEN it's a non-stop flight, no connections, no stops...just straight there! There has not been a day so purely made of raw joy as today in...well...forever! I'm super duper excited! SUPER DUPER! Ok Stef, all you need to do is breath. You can do that. And then of course YC is tomorrow so I'm just...not going to get any sleep tonight. Perhaps I'll dream of England again...ROCK ON! And then of course there's just the incredible knowledge that I am friends with some of the most fabulous artists EVER. Bev and Alison, you are both so awesome artistically, we saw your stuff at West Side Story (the art part that they had set up) today and I was completely blown away. Especially both of your oil paintings, they are just so beautiful I am in AWE. You guys are awesome. I don't even know if you read this but if you do...know that you rock so very much. OK, all my other buddies and probably everyone else rock too, but you guys deserve special recognition today for your awesome brains. OK, I think I'm done speiling now. Thank you for your time. I love you all so very much. Rock on. You make me happy. And AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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