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Transport in London is altogether too confusing. BUT, I'm not going to have to take a taxi in London! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Besides the fact that it would cost like $100 to get where I want, it's also much too worrisome trying to actually get a cab to go through all that work. So, I could take the Heathrow Express to Paddington Station and then take the London Underground to Victoria Station as Mr. Williams suggested. (He's all knowing cuz he and his wife are Britlanders and they go there like every year.) BUT that would cost a whole whackado of money cuz the BritRail pass is like 23 American dollars for the Heathrow Express SO I could just take the blue underground rail (also know as the Piccadilly Rail) directly from Heathrow, transfer at Acton-something and then go on the green line (forget what that one's called) to Victoria Station, or the underground stop thing that is right near Victoria Station. And then I could just get a 1-Day pass for £5.10 so I wouldn't have to pay the double fair (£4 or something), unless of course they do tranfers which would be just lovely. The only problem would be luggage. I wonder if it'd be too bothersome to take luggage on the tube trains. I guess I shall find out in good time. Now the only problem is my plane tickets. The only airline that's sufficiently economical is Air Canada and they're threatening their whole bankruptcy thing which would be HORRIBLE for me. I mean, I COULD go with American Airlines but who wants to pay more for one stinkin' ticket than two put together with a different airline? That one American Airlines ticket would take up almost my entire summer earnings. YEH RIGHT. So, having travel issssssssssues. But it will all work out in the end, even if I have to make my own raft and paddle there myself. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that though. If all else fails, I'll grab a cheap ticket to Scotland and take the train down to Carnforth and then WALK the 5 miles to Capernwray. It will work I tell you.
I've just seen pictures of Whitby Abbey and the graveyard from Dracula. How scary! :O

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