Now I haven't posted in 2 days, that's what we call a travestry. Or, that's what we call a travesty in my books. You know, those books...that I have written... SO, now I have no classes till May 31st. Except for physics which I never pay attention in anyway. Physics is like, naptime. Just exams to stress about now. But considering that they're IB, who cares?
Today I'm sick, so I'm not going to choir. And that's why I fell asleep in Physics again. Although I guess that's probably not the reason considering that I USUALLY fall asleep in Physics.
Elk Island rocks.
Saturday Night Fever is CREEPY.
Ok, I've run out of things to say. So, uh, keep it real and, uh, have a fabulous day and study your butt off! NOt literally of course, but you know. Yeh, bye. :D

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