Sooooo, fabulousness of fabbity fabs. A lot of Dracula takes place in Whitby, which is right by Whitby Abbey, which is in the book that I still haven't given back to Lou and am not finished with yet. So I can look at the picture of it and just imagine what's happening in Dracula as being right in the shadow of the ruins. And in the bay. And it's just great. I hope I never go there at night though...I'll be afraid the vampires are coming to get me. Anyway, enough of this vampire talk. It's time to put up that picture that a couple people are going to hate me for putting up...but you gotta admit, it's the most fabulous picture ever and no one submitted it to the grad slide-show for which you should both be grateful for. And it's Lo's pic. And remember, there are many more great picture where this one came from so I suggest you be good. OR ELSE!!!!! ;) :P :D
Hahahahahaha. The banjo...sorry guys, it had to be done. I call it "The Serenade". :D
P.S. Looking at the pictures from the Tas and Lou double partay...SO hilarious. I mean, what were we THINKing???? And Da's fuzzy toque. Oh, you have no idea how hard I'm laughing.

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